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Load data suggestions


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Hi, I just purchased 2 cases of Precision Delta 38 Super124 grain rn fmj bullets. This my first batch of them and got them bc recommendations I read on this site. These will be used for 9mm minor pf load and looking for an accurate and soft combo. The powders I have are Bullseye, Power Pistol, AA #2, 231, WST, WSF, Titegroup, and N320. I just picked up N320 and have not used it yet.  I seen Power Pistol listed as an accurate load but not very soft. This will be shot out of a CZ Shadow short dust cover.  Any load suggestions are appreciated.



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About 3.5 Titegroup should work fine with your 124 FMJ bullets.  I would like to try N320 but today at my shop it was $40/#.
I don't think 3.5 is going to be nearly hot enough to make minor with appropriate room to spare.

I'm thinking closer to 3.9.
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