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Make Ready issued while someone is downrange


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I can see it serving a practical purpose on a Standards type drill. Shoot 3 on each in 1st array, reload, shoot 3 on each 2nd array, reload shoot 3 on each in 3rd array. All mags must come from the briefcase on the table. If you have to go back to an array to make up a shot you must perform a reload. All in 1 string of fire. Our squad had several questions on this one. Most were answered in the WSB, but it helps to be able to ask a question if you don't understand. (Thanks Mr Landry)

If your mental game is so weak that you can't take someone asking a simple yes or no question... As Mark said earlier, it IS before the "Make Ready" command so the CoF has not officially started yet. At that point it's just a bunch of like minded people getting together to expend some rather hard to find primers, and anyone asking if you understand the request is just trying to be courteous and help out, rather you ask for the help or not. Like I said, the La. crowd was some of the friendliest folk I have ever been around, and I appreciated every bit of their hospitality.

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I wasn't asking you to tell me anything Bobby... :goof: I said I don't like it. What's the point? I say, "no I don't understand the COF could you help me?" That would be coaching and not allowed anyway. The only thing you can tell me is start position and if I have forgotten that I'll ask. When I walk to the line I want to RocknRoll and that time is my time to clear my head. I don't want to hear anything that pulls my thought from where I am right in that moment. A question that needs ta response does that to me where as a "going hot" command does not... as a matter of fact that really sets me in the moment.

I'm glad it doesn't bother you, but it's not the case for me... it's not something I would bitch to the RO about, but something I would rather not deal with as it serves no purpose and distracts me.


Can you show me in the rule book where it says the RO cannot answer questions about the WSB or the CoF. I hardly consider that coaching.

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