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Uspsa Bod Meeting


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The USPSA BOD meeting was conducted in Orlando this weekend. If you were not aware, the meetings are now open to the general membership through a unanimous vote of the board.

Unfortunately only two of us, Denise Minor and myself took advantage of the opportunity to watch the board in action. In attendance were Mike and Colleen Voigt, John Amidon, Dave Thomas and each AD. They were collegial, diligent and professional.

For those of you who have been advocating open meetings and transparency take advantage of the next meeting. Make your reservations through Dave Thomas.

Joel Dix

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""Would I pay for a plane ticket and hotel to attend a BOD meeting NO. ""

Nor did I or would I!

There are a few from this area who were, at one time making an issue of closed meetings, conspiracies and general shenanigans. Their absence was disappointing.


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There are a few from this area who were, at one time making an issue of closed meetings, conspiracies and general shenanigans. Their absence was disappointing.


Just taking a guess here but it is possible that those members lobbying for open board meetings didn't necessarily want to attend. It is possible they just didn't like being told they couldn't attend.

And now that meetings have progressed from "closed" through "open to section coordinators" to "open to section coordinators and life members" and have finally arrived at "open to the general membership", it is possible those members are now happy.

And, since someone (in this case you and Denise) will attend to keep an eye out for (and report) any conpiracies and / or general shenanigans, those members don't have to actually attend.

Or I could be totally off base.

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Well done but, having met you, I'm not surprised that you attended the BOD meeting in order to see the inner workings for yourself, first hand.

I'm also not suprised that other people who actually live in or near Orlando and who constantly make accusations about USPSA (and IPSC) officials, and who continually cast aspersions on their character and intentions, did not attend a BOD meeting held in their backyard.

It's a sad fact of life that some people only have guts and bravado while hiding behind a keyboard.

Ya done good, dude.

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  • 3 weeks later...

November 23rd is upon us and still we have no word of the outcome of the board meeting..... <_<

Don't get me wrong...I'm happy that the meeting is open to the membership but what purpose would it have served to travel to Florida for this meeting in particular?

Shall I assume that no news is good news?

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