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20rd mags for 92


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When I had a 92, I loved using these. I also use them in my CX4 rifle. Especially in the rifle, standard mags seat so flush it takes extra effort to make sure they are all the way in. Much easier with these and I like the witness holes all along the back. I also have some of the true 20 round Mec-gar and Beretta mags, but I prefer the 18+2 ones.

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I know what you mean about the CX4. I have one and tried it in a local 3 gun match. The reloads killed with my flush fitting mags. I heard of some guys removing some material from the pistol grip because of that. I figured flush fit 20 rounders would be great for pistol.

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I recently read about 20 round magazines for Beretta 92 variants. Has anyone tried them yet? That might be a good combo for outlaw 3 gun matches.

I have a friend who works at a machine shop. He made a 35rd Beretta mag by fitting three bodies together. He used some kind of spring which he was able to purchase from an industrial co. He then fitted the follower on. It looked kind of funky sticking out of the gun but beat reloading 10rd mags all the time. The best part about this was that it was cheaper then buying the 20 rounders that they sell and it obviously holds more.

Best regards,


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