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Max Min loads for 44mag with 180 gr JHP with Win 231


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I was making sure that I did not offend while still trying to remain on his level.  Sorry if any offense was taken it was purely reactionary to a verbal assault.  

Besides I actually am enjoying the banter.   I am not actually mad,  I disagree strongly with his tone but I am not loosing sleep over it or kicking the dog.

(Edited by Epidemic at 5:19 am on Oct. 24, 2002)

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You got part of my post correctly, and thanks for the apology.  

You might be better served in the long run if you don't get on anyone's level but yours, and then make sure yours always  takes the high road.  Can't go wrong there.

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OK, back to your corners, the Seconds will negotiate the next round.

Epidemic, the problem with sand in any form inside is the mess.  The dust from the sand being pounded finer and finer is bad enough, but the vaporised lead is worse.  The dust settles everywhere, and you can't escape it.

If your house, garage or goat barn has a wall facing the range, an afternoons work will provide a way to shoot withut leaving the building, but gets the bullet out.  In all, a safer and more hygenic solution.

As for the name calling, if you can keep it amusing, then the friday rant is the place.  If you can't we may have to slap your hands off the keyboards.

As for the pine log bullet stop, who among us has never shot something it the belief it would suffice?  The only one who hasn't may lecture the rest of us.

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Epidemic, this post you started is probably the single most inflammatory post EVER on BE.com, for whatever reason.  This forum (Brians) has been a haven of sorts from the usual rude, opinionated and disrespectful forums so prevalent on the net.   The focus here is on competitive shooting .  

There’s a country song entitled “politics, religion and her”.  Meaning we can talk about anything but those three things.  I think the topic of this thread falls into that category.  Some people are very sensitive (rightly so) about “proper” gun handling, so there’s no wonder that this topic is so hot.

Brian’s forums have always been a nice place to visit because the “hot” topics aren’t really discussed.

Not that “hot” topics aren’t ok, it’s just that they’re bound to invite heated opinions.  If I want to read an endless inflammitory topic, I'll visit ThefiringLine.com, Glocktalk.com or Pistolsmith.com.  These sites, while very informative, are all about heated opinions.

I’m not chasing you off by any means Epidemic, I’m just gently turning your head to what the usual focus of this forum is.  

A gun owning society is a polite society, and we’all got guns! :)

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Hey man I did not get rude but in response.

I appreciate your comments and I have backed off.

When attacked I will attack back.  It is my way.  I will not stand by while someone makes snap decisions about my abilities or intellect.  

With out seeing the situation at hand and evaluating the setup they can't comment with accuracy as to the risk I put myself in.   I was never in mortal danger nore were any other people.  The situation I set up was inadequate in that there was property damage.   But There was never any human risk.   That is to say that the only risk was testing a load from an acredited source and feeling uncompfortable just running with it.  

With out being there to look at the entire scenario a solid decision as to risk can not be determined.  I was there I took precautions of knowing what was behind my backstop and knowing no one could have been injured even if the backstop was not struck.

The attacks were neither constructive nor informative.  Simply yelling at someone does not teach.   It just gets dander up.   This is true of family relationships and teaching.  During a screaming match with your kid or wife nothing is accomplished until the two parties quiet down.   I have quieted down.

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You did catch some serious backlash...the forum regulars shouldn't have gone as far as they did.  TDean is right...this felt like another place.  (for shame...for shame...)

 nono.gif  (I've been looking for a place to use that little icon.)

No matter what happens though...the boards here are NEVER the place for name calling.  

Patrick showed great restraint in not locking this thread after some of the comments. (by more than one)

Lets all move on.  Nothing to see here.  

(Patrick...feel free to prune any posts that are simply online banter...those that don't add to the knowledge base.)

(Edited by Flexmoney at 12:45 pm on Oct. 25, 2002)

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