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Can anyone confirm if on the newest version of the ipod classic (6th generation) you can add songs to the ipod without having to clear the previous songs from it. The problem I am running into right now is I am using a laptop with a 80 gig hard drive and am thinking of getting an 80 gig ipod. Thanks to the bloat of windows etc. I can't have 80 gigs of music on the drive. So, can I add say 40 gigs to the ipod and then add 40 or so more to it, totaling say 70 gigs? Thanks


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Can anyone confirm if on the newest version of the ipod classic (6th generation) you can add songs to the ipod without having to clear the previous songs from it. The problem I am running into right now is I am using a laptop with a 80 gig hard drive and am thinking of getting an 80 gig ipod. Thanks to the bloat of windows etc. I can't have 80 gigs of music on the drive. So, can I add say 40 gigs to the ipod and then add 40 or so more to it, totaling say 70 gigs? Thanks


This isn't an iPod problem really, it's an iTunes problem. The issue is that you want to add a bunch of music to itunes, sync it to the ipod, then remove the songs from itunes to add in more. The removal of the songs will cause the auto-sync process to also remove the songs from the ipod.

You should be able to work around this if you turn off the auto-sync and manually manage the songs on the ipod.

I can probably test that out here in my office if you give me a little bit.

If that doesn't work, I would recommend getting an external hard drive and storing all the music on that instead of using the internal drive, OR, just buying a new laptop hard drive and ghosting everything over it that using an external USB hard drive interface. You can then use the old 80GB drive as a backup drive for your other stuff.

For me, I would just buy a bigger internal HD, and in fact, I have done that with several laptops in the past when I have run out of space.

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Yes, I have just verified this will work for you. When you plug in your ipod, sync everything you want the first time. Then go to the iPod settings (Just click your ipod in itunes) and on the first page of settings there is a "Manually Manage Music" check box. Once that is check, you will need to drag and drop all the songs (inside itunes, not windows) to copy them over. That turns off the sync process and will not force a delete of songs remove from itunes.

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Thanks Chris, that is what I was looking for. I agree the easiest thing to do would be to get an external drive but I am only using the laptop until I can finish the desktop I am building. It is going to have 2 TBs of storage, so that won't be an issue. I just was going to hold off buying the ipod if this wasn't going to work.


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ok, so here is what you do to solve it.

Go to Itunes. Hook up the Ipod.

Now somewhere on the left menu it should say something IPOD go ahead and click on that.

On the summary tab for the Ipod under options there are 4 different boxes. Make sure the one that is selected says manually manage music and videos. Once you do this your Ipod will not sync the entire thing every time you connect it.

You can now load a bunch of stuff on your computer then just click and drag it to the Ipod. Not hard.

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