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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Where to begin...


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First, today's my last day at the job that's been beating me down for several years.

Second, leaving for a 4 day visit to DC to take in all the sights and history in my adult years (use that term loosely) when I appreciate it more.

Third, starting what should be a great new job on Monday (just one of the big perks, less travel more shooting).

Fourth, missed out on one good deal for a Meotpa yesterday but was able to snag one with mount from a fellow BE'er this morning.

All in all, life is good. :cheers:

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Man, I'm glad you are moving to a job and looking forward to it. Too many people in this world just go to work and make 8, hating it all the time. Life is too short to hate the job that puts food on the table.

A co-worker impressed on me years ago that we are to work to live, not live to work


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Excellent! :cheers:

(insert single tear in the eye icon over missing BOTH the Meoptas)

Now I'm really having a good day...... :P It's not that often that you get a chance to beat the GM of the BE classifieds..... :lol: :lol: :cheers:

dajarrel, you hit the nail on the head; great quotes.

Thanks for the well wishes everyone.

ETA: Wow, weird. Counting the company I worked for that was acquired by the one I am just leaving I've been at the same place for 10 years. Logging off the computer for the last time was an odd feeling to say the least.

Edited by j2fast
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That's gotta feel good, leaving a job that's beating you down is priceless! I hope your trip to DC went well, there really is a lot of cool stuff to see. It's tough for me working on Capitol Hill cause I never want to go there and see it on my off time. Maybe this summer..... <_<

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