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Attitude! That's what my journey has been about. Everyone is different so I'm only speaking for myself when I say Attitude/Possitiveness is the #1 driving factor in my improvement.

I started shooting USPSA in March of 2000 after a very good friend introduced me to it. I was on fire for the sport. My attitude was "gotta win no matter what, and to hell with what others think" after all this is how I excelled in the Miltary why shouldn't it work everywhere else. Well, the man that introduced me to the sport was the only person who could stand to shoot with me. Everybody else thought I was an A**hole and rightly so. The friend knows me away from shooting and knows my true character so he stuck with me through it. One day my wife, bless her beautiful heart, was video taping me on a stage that I blew in a big way and when the following fit throwing commenced she kept the tape rolling and let me see what I looked like to others. This woke me up. The funny thing is that the driving factor wasn't for self betterment but because I have two boys and this is not not the Father I want them to see. I stopped shooting for about 2 months and decided that when I went back there was going to be a big change. That change came slow. Acctually, it is still on-going. Well, life/work got in the way and the friend that stuck with me couldn't shoot as often so I didn't have a lot of driving support and was left to my own devices to change into the new and improved Daniel. I managed to change enough so that I didn't just make others sick when they would see my name on their squad, at least some of them anyway, and I steadily got better. This was an outward betterment and not an inward betterment so it didn't really change my attitude only my outward character, slightly. I still didn't give a crap what others thought, only what they saw of me.

In August of 2006 the friend that stuck with me introduced me to a new friend. The new friend didn't know the old Daniel but knew the present one who still needed a lot of work and so the progress continued. When there is a driving force, no matter if it is to excell at your job, impress a girl/guy, or strive not to disappoint someone you respect greatly, a person can do some pretty cool things. I started caring about what others thought because I didn't want them to be discomforted. This was a BIG step for me because the last thing on Earth I ever gave a crap about was someone elses comfort, but there I was, valueing friendship so much that I didn't want "Daniel" to bring down "Friend" so I started allowing "Friend" to raise up "Daniel". A true friend is one who will say "Dude, your being a dick, stop!" and then just carry on with the routine of the day.

Well, at the present I'm still working really hard and still fall on my butt quite a bit but I just walked away from the Monster Match and the Florida Section with 1st place division/class wins and I'm moving up faster than I ever have. I am sure that I will see my 'M' card in Production inside a year and 'GM' within three.

Don't get me wrong, I have a quite a few friends in and because of this sport and they have all helped in my development and I care for them all greatly (They know who they are) but the friends that hang with me away from the sport and know where my loyalties lie are helping me so greatly on my road of improvement in all aspects of my life including my shooting that I do it for me so that I can be a light unto them.

Gary, Jeff & Chris, Thank you. My blood is yours and your brother I'll always be.

As my attitude betters so does my life . In all aspects. Positive input=Positive output. Avoid negativity.

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Brother, your testament rings loud and true! It is truly amazing how the shooting turns from a detraction to your own life to a tool of self improvement. I wish you nothing but the best of times throughout your range diary and experience in the shooting, and know that you have many members here on the forum, myself included, that will do whatever we can to nurture your competitive spirit.


Micah B

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Attitude! That's what my journey has been about. Everyone is different so I'm only speaking for myself when I say Attitude/Possitiveness is the #1 driving factor in my improvement.

As my attitude betters so does my life . In all aspects. Positive input=Positive output. Avoid negativity.

Sounds like you're on the right track, and it's about freakin' time you started winning. Good for you. :cheers:

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Had to work yesterday (Saturday) missing this weekends USPSA match so I went and shot an IDPA match today. This was only my 3rd or 4th IDPA match so I didn't expect to burn the range down with perfomance. Right off the bat I received a procedural for reloading out in the open. I had a plan in my head for the stage but didn't stay with it. I was paisting targets while I was on deck because I figured if I can't prep the stage then it doesn't matter. Well, it does. After the first stage I stopped paisting and helping when I was on deck and went to the start position as soon as the shooter before me finished. I would stand there going through my plan in my head. This helped quite a bit, not as much as ghosting the stage but it did help a lot and I shot the rest of the stages per plan to the letter.

What this made me realize is how important stage prep and rehearsal is to my performance. The more I prep and the more time that I have to study and break down a stage the better I perform.

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  • 2 months later...

I've been shooting with Daniel since he started shooting. We have had our ups and downs and have been toe-to-toe ready to rumble. It takes a big Man to stand up and admit they were wrong and open up their soul for others to see. You have come a long way and it sounds like you have the attitude that know no limits. I respect the hell out of your post. Way to go Daniel, way to go!

Edited by PaulW
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Congrats on making "A".

Daniel, you have come a long way in a short period of time and I for one am very impressed. Your shooting and attitude show great improvement and I just wanted to say bravo! :cheers:

Stay on the path...

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