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It was Majical


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I've read many posts on this forum about issues and problems that happen to people during a match.

Spraying ammo all over the landscape, broken guns, dropped mags, etc.

We're all too familiar with those things.

I thought it would be good therapy for some of the members to post about some of the special things that have happened to them.

We've all had a few moments that would have made the highlight reels in our careers.

Let's hear about them.

One of my best moments came right after I first started shooting in Limited.

I'd been shooting club matches for 7 or 8 months with a SS 1911.

I felt the need for more speed so I dropped the cash for a Limited blaster.

After a few weeks of getting to know the gun, I went to an indoor club match and just burned down the first stage.

When I was done everyone watching broke into spontaneous applause.

It was like graduation night.

After months of struggling to learn the game, I felt everything was finally starting to come together.

I will never forget how good that felt.

So how about it boys and girls?

Tell me about that special day when you got into a zone and just couldn't miss.


Edited by 38superman
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I am way too critical to say anything I have ever done was my 'best'. I have done some things well and gotten satisfaction from it, but it wasn't all I could have done. I look for each effort to best the last, that is my measure of success. The hardest part is having people congratulate me for something and keep my mouth shut other than a thank you. They see it as a resounding success and I know it could have been more, to comment to that effect is just rude when offered a compliment and something I really have to work at.

I have won stages and matches with good shooters in attendance but there is always something I could have done better. To this day I have never shot a stage and said to myself 'that is how it should be done'. Moments, arrays, sure. The whole stage? Nope. Hopefully it will happen for me too someday, but just 6 or 8 PURE golf shots per round has kept me coming back looking for THE round I always wanted to play for 15 years. Overlooking the other 70-80 shots per round is the key.....

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but just 6 or 8 PURE golf shots per round has kept me coming back looking for THE round I always wanted to play for 15 years. Overlooking the other 70-80 shots per round is the key.....

That's exactly the point.

Like a baseball player, it's got to be frustrating to hit fouls and line drives and pop ups.

What keeps us coming back are those rare moments when you just slam the ball and knock the cover off it.

Everyone has those and I try to think about them before every match.

Positive reinforcement should be part of everyone's mental game.

Think about what you've done right and expect it to happen again.

If you only think about your mistakes you are guaranteed to repeat them.


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Finding the ability to relax and trust in my self has greatly helped my game and it feels so good to do that and look back even if you didn't win and say "I did really good"..... but it still doesn't replace the feeling of winning when you do really good..... and strangely enough winning when you do bad isn't nearly as satisfying.

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I remember times when I have shot a stage and really been in the zone, I honestly don't remember anything from the starting beep until the RO says UASC. My time is real fast (for me), I get great hits and only later can I sit down and recreate the stage. It's just smooth.

It's kinda like hitting that long drive down the fairway when you're playing golf. That one shot can keep you playing for a long time.



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