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Trouble With Dominant Eye/front Sight Focus...


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I noticed last time I went to the range that I was having trouble focusing on the front sight. I've been practicing shooting with both eyes open and seeing only what the dominant eye sees and this has improved loads in the past year. But lately I noted that my shots were going everywhere because I couldn't focus on the front sight. Every time I tried to focus my vision on the front sight the left eye would assume dominance and I wouldn't be able to see any sight picture. Then I would force myself to see what my right eye was looking at and couldn't get the front sight in focus and so couldn't shoot for crap. Well, it wasn't horrible but wasn't nearly as good as I have been doing.

Has this happened to anyone else? What can I do to train my right (dominant) eye to get the front sight in focus without letting the left eye take over?


PS-- I've done the eye dominance test (focus on a spot on the wall, form a triangle around it with your hands and move your hands toward your face--whichever eye they cover is dominant) and my dominant eye is the right.

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Perhaps you have reached the age where you need reading glasses. If that is the case, talk to your optomitrist about what you do and get a prescription for your dominant eye lense that brings the front sight into sharp focus. Use your normal distance prescription for you non-dominant eye. It will take a little time for your brain to adapt to this set up, but once it does you will love shooting with it.

There's another thread going right now on the same topic. LINK

A search will probably reveal many.

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Try the scotch tape over the top part of the left lens of your shooting glasses. I have the problem of the left eye picking up the sight outside of the notch and the right eye picking it up in the notch. The tape lets your dominant eye take over and the tape on only the top part lets you load mags and stuff while you arn't shooting. Look at the cover of Brians book.

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