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Match Up Your Equipment For Safety

John Kane

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I wanted to share this experience so that others could learn from my stupidity. In hind sight this wasn't the smartest thing to do and I realize I should have done several things differently so please don't criticize my actions. I just thought someone might benefit from reading this.

So there I was.... blasting away with my 40 until my hands hurt and I ran out of ammo. I switched over to my trusty Smith and Wesson model 41 .22 that I've had since I was a kid. I've been using it to practice and save some ammo money. Believe it or not it clicks into my CR speed holster beautifully and on this day I stick it in there like I've done 8-10 times before without any problem. The 41 is very different from a 1911 and especially the safety. The safety is a small switch that isn't quickly removed. So fault 1 was putting a live gun in a holster w/o the safety on. But hey, I'm a REALLY safe person and I NEVER have any safety mistakes, so it's all good. I've been shooting for at least 20 minutes and go to holster the pistol again and PAP! The pistol goes off. I was STUNNED! Look down to see a hole only six inches from my foot. So the second moral of this story is only use equipment that it is designed to be use with. Even though the 41 looked like it fit perfectly in the CR speed (you can even lock it in there) if you put the pistol in at a side angle, the rounded off point at the top of the holster can (and will) go into the trigger guard and activate the trigger. Don't worry, I tried it on a 1911 and couldn't do it.

I have to say it was a very sobering experience. I consider myself incredibly safe. I've been shooting my whole life so I can't say I haven't done stupid things before but it's been a long long time. I think it's also nice to get a tax free wake up call on how dangerous this can be.

Any way, thanks for reading and don't be as stupid as I am! :huh:


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But hey, I'm a REALLY safe person and I NEVER have any safety mistakes, so it's all good.

Hey, John... Didn't you have a match DQ a few months back??? "NEVER"??? :D

Just kidding you, man :) I'm glad you still have the OEM intended number of orifices. I used to have the same delusions of never having any safety mistakes until I ADed in practice one day... Nothing like a good humbling experience (with safe outcomes, hopefully) to actually make you safer :) People have made far worse mistakes than that, so don't feel too bad about it - and thanks for reminding the rest of us to not take anything for granted as far as safety goes....

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Some things in life are absolute.

If you ride motorcycles long enough, sooner or later you get "road rash".

Handle guns long enough and eventually one will go bang when you didn't expect it.

Every gun shop has holes in the wall or floor.

You would be surprised how many police cars have 9mm and 40 cal holes in the floorboard.

The best you can hope for is that when it happens no one gets hurt.

Stay vigilant.


Edited by tlshores
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But hey, I'm a REALLY safe person and I NEVER have any safety mistakes, so it's all good.

Hey, John... Didn't you have a match DQ a few months back??? "NEVER"??? :D

Sorry, that was a poor attempt at sarcasm that didn't come off well.

You can never say never!

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