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More iPod info right from the embedded help text in iTunes (not the same as the Apple Support docs):

Thanks for the info, I'm going to print it out and keep it. FYI: my latest pisser is this:

By default, iTunes is set to update iPod automatically. When you connect your iPod to your computer, iTunes opens, copies selected songs in your library and playlists to your iPod, and erases songs from your iPod that aren't in the iTunes library.

I made a playlist by manually adding songs.... meaning it had to write them directly to the IPOD's hard drive. Spent about 30 minutes, but it worked.

PROBLEM: Some of the songs lost their "artist" tags somehow so on the Ipod they didn't show up under the artist's heading. I manually updated the playlist artist listings on the computer and reconnected the IPOD. I manually updated it several times and it never fixed the tags. Not sure why. Maybe I have to dump the Ipod clean and reload the playlist now that the tags are restored?

Edited by bountyhunter
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Yeah, clear the iPod, get iTunes playlisted like you want and then reload the iPod by drag-n-droppin' the playlists you want on it's icon in iTunes. You remove playlists from the iPod by flipping it open inside of iTunes, selecting the playlist and clicking delete.

That auto-sync preference being the outadabox' default is the biggest pisser about iPod/iTunes for me. The only complaint I really have (other than the hardware issues which are not germaine here) is this "Feature" and it's default setting.

Glad to hear that you are getting it to work for you in some manner. As I mentioned earlier, feel free to PM me for more info on any specific issues you are unable to work through. My best suggestion is to utilize the built-in help options as much as possible as opposed to Apples support files.

Some links that have decent iPod info:




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Don't have an I Pod Have a New I Mac ( I love my mac had one since '85) first time I tried to burn a DVD with I Movies it seemed to lock up for the longest time. so I called Apple (it was free) to ask how long it should take to burn a 20 minute long DVD with THIER software supplied with THIER Computer.... Transfer.... Don't Know..... .... Transfer.... Don't Know.... Transfer.... Don't Know.... Transfer.... Don't Know. Has anyone there burned a dvd on this computer..... answer NO!.

Funny thing is that they called ato sell me a Extended Tech Support a few months later. First question was.... Have you ever burned a DVD on this computer?.....Answer NO! Well nobody else has either. SO why would I buy the Tech support, if you guys can't tell me the Simplies thing about YOUR SOFTWARE. Loved telling him when you get some one there that has done this have THEM call me and sell me this.

BTW (but apples tech is still better than the one from HP I can't even understand what the Tech from INDIA are saying)

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Yeah, clear the iPod, get iTunes playlisted like you want and then reload the iPod by drag-n-droppin' the playlists you want on it's icon in iTunes. You remove playlists from the iPod by flipping it open inside of iTunes, selecting the playlist and clicking delete.

OK. I was hoping it was smart enough to make edits if I told it to update.....guess not.

Glad to hear that you are getting it to work for you in some manner.

Yeah, the "select songs and add" technique isn't too horrible. I watch TV while it is copying them into the Ipod. It actually loads them faster than I would have expected, a lot faster than an MP3 rip.

As I mentioned earlier, feel free to PM me for more info on any specific issues you are unable to work through. My best suggestion is to utilize the built-in help options as much as possible as opposed to Apples support files.

As stupid as this will sound: I didn't know there was a built in path to any usable help information. It's too bad they don't have a help disc you can load that comes up with various categories that you can select to find out how to do things.

Thanks. I will print this stuff out and save it.

BTW (but apples tech is still better than the one from HP I can't even understand what the Tech from INDIA are saying)
I know what you mean... because I called Apple's help line and got somebody in Indi I could barely understand. Only took 45 minutes of waiting to find somebody in India to explain to me that the Ipod won't "clear" itself if you clear the playlist and tell it to update..... unless you force it into manual mode first.

Then I got a sales pitch for a bunch of junk...... always feel a bit guilty hanging up on those. But no guilty enough to not hang up...... :D

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OK. I was hoping it was smart enough to make edits if I told it to update.....guess not.

It actually can do that, but because you are having issues with partial transfers and file loss, my suggestion to do it this way to start is based on a "start at square one" approach being the best idea here ;-)

I do recommend the Applecare support option for any iPod or portable. The level of support available through the Applecare system is far better than the level of capability present on the general support lines you get without Applecare. When you have Applecare, you always get a US based support person and they always have a much better level of training than the techs you will get if you don't have an Applecare plan. At any point when you are talking with an Applecare support tech, you are free to request escalation to Level 1 tech support from a supervisor if you feel you are not getting resolve like you need.

You never get a supervisor on the initial call-in unless you go through the script they have to run once and then politely and firmly state you would like to speak to a tech supervisor. Hint, make sure the phone you call in from is fully charged if it is a portable as it takes a while to run their scripts to their satisfaction so you can request escalation and if you drop off from lack of charge you will have to start all over wuth anothe support tech. It takes a while, but this method always eventually gets you to someone who actually knows what is going on under the hood.

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Friend wanted to load a movie into his ipod but we were at the range and I only had my laptop. It had iTunes (to download Matt's podcasts) but no music files since it's company-issued.

Should be no biggie, right?

Connected the ipod to the laptop and iTunes asked if the libraries would be associated with this laptop instead. Clicked 'Yes.'

POOF! Movie loaded and were really great except that the 2K++ songs that were initially in the iPod is now...GONE! :o

Me: "Hey, look at that! Movie's awesome, right!"

Him: "Oh yeah!"

Me: "Say, do you still have copies of your songs in that iPod?"

Him: "Yeah, I think so...Why? You want to copy them?"

Me: "No, you-need-to-copy-it-back BUT the movie's really GREAT isn't it?" :Dsigh of relief. :D

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NEVER sync the Libraries when you plug it into another machine running iTunes. I recommend not to do this UNLESS the auto-sync feature is turned OFF. Auto-sync can ONLY be used on the machine the sync is started on just like a Palm handheld.

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I don't care one way or another about the company, but I do know how to make their products run exactly as they should and do that for quite a tidy part of my income. In other words, it's one of my jobs ;-)

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Can you tell that at one point George owned stock in Apple?
I can say I currently own a fair chunk of Apple stock. And BTW, it has more than doubled in value since the Big Crash of 2001. Only stock I own which has increased in value after the crash.

I love Mac computers and the software that runs on them.

That's why I was so surprised at the Ipod. Apparrently, they are using the new business model: schlock it out as fast as possible, if the supporting documentation isn't there, don't worry about it.

It's too bad, but apparrently... it's really profitable.

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Bountyhunter...I've had the same problem you have. Lost everything when I synched the first time, years of music that was only going to be copied onto my ipod. Luckily I had backups. The software and the ipod is not at all user friendly and is not at all like any other software I've used. I smashed the little thing in my vice and mailed it back to them. I will never buy another apple product.

Bought a creative labs zen xtra and I've never been happier. Sounds like you've solved your problem so good luck.

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Hey Bountyhunter and George....ah....one of the downsides of hitting the fast reply button....no emoticons....that wasn't meant to be a serious remark

Guess I should have added "LOL" at the end. Didn't mean to ruffle any feathers.

The GF's cousin was here today. She is a professor at Vanderbilt. Seems all of civilian academia is into their Macs. So yeah, there must be something to this Apple company after all.

One of these days I'll take George's advice and get a Mac to do video editing on...but until then...so many guns..not enough money.

Plus I heard that the Sony DVD cam I own isn't compatible with Macs.

Sorry about your lost time, BH, on the Ipod music loss. That just blows.

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I smashed the little thing in my vice and mailed it back to them. I will never buy another apple product.
WOW........ that is definitely making a statement! I would have liked to see the look on the guys face opening up that box.
Hey Bountyhunter and George....ah....one of the downsides of hitting the fast reply button....no emoticons....that wasn't meant to be a serious remark

Guess I should have added "LOL" at the end. Didn't mean to ruffle any feathers.

No problem.

Actually, it's a good observation on our times....... Apple resurrected itself on the back of that little creature. I guess they prove the old adage: you can never lose money underestimating the intellect of the general public!


Or maybe it's just over my head.....

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