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Have a lifelong commitment to avoidance, deterance, and de-escalation. Don't let your male pride get you into trouble.

I had my house broken into several years ago. The thief had parked his truck in the garage and then kicked in the front door to the house. Took every gun that my wife and I owned. I am a LEO and he also took my duty belt with duty weapon, badge, and bullet proof vest. After calming down from this situation my wife and I were discussing what had taken place.

I asked her what she would have done had she come home and found a strange truck in her garage stall and suspected a burglary. She said she would have taken down the license plate and drove to the neighbors (we live out in the country), and dialed 911. She then said "any idiot would have known to do that, right?". Man, I felt like and idiot. Women can be so logical that it hurts. I know that if I had come home to find this taking place, the first thing I would have done was to run into the house to confront the thief. I would probably have been shot do death with my own gun. What an idiot.

I have been an LEO for 26 yrs. I am 6-2, 230 and over the years have developed a reputation of being able to handle myself if things go wrong. This means nothing. No matter how big or how tough you think you are, there is always someone bigger and tougher. We need to keep a calm head and make the right decisions when evil comes to visit. What you did was the right thing. I have the feeling you are a lot tougher than you think. You don't make those kind of proper decisions under stress without having a warriors heart.

Hard to shake the inner doubts about yourself. Take whatever training you need to make you feel more confident in yourself. But don't stop there. Learn a foreign language, learn to play a musical instrument, become learned in scripture, just learn to be a better man. The dividends will last a lifetime. You may be surprised to find that you would have done the exact same thing that you did in this situation.

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" I remember the night my teeth rolled like chicklets down the street in San Antonio.."

" Tiger Man - you look like a pussycat to me.." thankfully forgotten old counry song. :wacko:

"The Winner"? Dang-it, I can't remember who sings that. Can hear it in my head now though.. :blink:

"I must be, the winner!"

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This is a funny topic for me. I'm a Correctional Officer and deal with this on a daily basis. Since Monday I have probably had 50 Verbal Descalations and if tomorrow goes like the last 4 days I'll be over 10 physical Interventions for the week. I found the guys that talk the most I have the least to worry about. Let them talk, they usually do because they have been able to get want they want through intimidation. Watch out for the quiet ones, you don't know if they are ready to stab you or go the other way. You always know where the loud ones stand.

Take some type of training so you feel better about yourself. Don't take the training to be able to kick someones a$$. Once you feel better about yourself the easier it will be not to pay attention to the idiot talking sh!t on the other side of the pump. If he does decide to come at your then your only defending yourself and have the training to do so.


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