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Itching to get back home and working on stuff. 

Leaving for home tomorrow. Hopefully get some practice time in before next week’s classifiers. 

Daughter had a great time with her cousins so totally worth it. 


The AMG commander that I ordered from Estonian IPSC store took two months in shipping. But finally delivered. 



V’s AMG commander she ordered last October (10+ months ago) finally shipped too. 



This way I have back up units. I lost one and cracked one so I was down to my last one. 

Bought another one from the classifieds here that I gave to V early on exchange for hers when it got here. 

I also have two more that I ordered in November 2023 so hopefully they’ll also be teed up in the next couple months. 

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I need this sport more than the sport needs me. 

I am so thankful for the sport. Blemishes and all.


It’s given me purpose, relationships and enjoyment way out of proportion to what  I’ve given it. 

It doesn’t owe me anything.



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Well, that didn’t go well…


Went to my range when I got home from vacation and it was a mess. 

Sometimes it’s like I’ve forgotten how to shoot. 😑


It helped solidify my decision to NOT chase classification at this point. 

I’m just not that good. 

I want to keep improving, but I don’t feel comfortable making GM without a certain amount of margin above it. 

I also don’t want anything to tarnish all V’s hard work. 

In my head, I’d want to be one of the stronger M locally before advertising GM. 

For V, I think for her to be hanging with the local A guys at matches before she gets branded A would be healthy. 

For the training group, I think I’ll just shoot in Open minor and try to log some M scores (which will be difficult). 

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Personal port techniques



I’m a big fan of not getting into sketchy situations when avoidable. 

Even if I tried to time the hand and the muzzle, I’m not perfect and the chance for a big mistake is too much if there’s an alternate choice that reduces the risk. 

So that’s what I do to control what I can control and not put my happiness reasonably in the hands of others. 





Going to try setting up the 22LR P938 optic. 



One of our cats is bonded to our daughter. They’re watching Star Wars while I tinker. 


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Tinker tinker



P938 has firing pin block spring under the rear sight like the P226. 



The Trijicon plate has set screws that line up with the spring cavity. 



I usually put some E6000 around the posts to space fill and reduce wobble and shear forces. 



It’s more often the rule than the exception that screws aren’t specific for the application needed. 

There are so many diverse applications that it’s not reasonable to expect a screw to be the correct length. 

This is my trimming apparatus (used for a lot of other things). 

Dremel and Vampliers. 






Wheeler laser to rough it in. 

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When is it the arrow and not the archer?


I think equipment matters. To completely ignore the contribution of equipment is overly simplistic IMO. 


Thinking that “factory knows best” is also overly simplistic IMO. 


My trigger return in the Alien was getting a little vague and I wanted to see if that could be contributing to my difficulty timing reset recently. 

I finally cleaned the gun and that helped some. But my trigger break was feeling a little mushy. 

I compared against my dry gun and it was a clear difference in crispness. 

I remembered what Dan Selichar from Alien was saying about how he had to replace the top rail on his gun as part of the maintenance. 

Earlier this year and many thousands of rounds ago, I had swapped my LO rail for my Retro rail in order to fit my preferred holster for IDPA. 

So I tried swapping back for my LO rail and it crisped things up considerably. 


I’m going to throw the old rail in the ultrasonic cleaner to see if it helps, but the hammer and sear are both located in the rail so it makes sense to have to maintain that part. 

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Earning Open M


I think I have my classifier goal set. 

Open M hit factors are like LO GM scores. 

I’m already an Open M because of CO/PCC GM. 

So I don’t think anyone will hate on me if I shoot and reshoot classifiers for training and motivation to achieve a classification that I already hold. 

This way I get to continue to use classifiers as motivation but not have to be branded with paper GM hate. 

Seems like a good solution to me. 

If someday I’m so awesome that I can make Open M scores at will shooting minor, maybe I’ll be ready to have LO GM branding. 

But I’m almost 50 years old so I’m not holding my breath. 

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Okay, so I didn’t forget how to shoot. 

Clean gun felt good.


Rail probably didn’t make much difference. 

Able to shoot without trigger freeze. 

I think the more positive reset helped. 

Also, zeroed in my daughter’s gun. 

Ran it bone dry and it worked well. 



Trying to test how much margin left in the system with the added slide weight with the optic. 

Should be good with a little lube and wear on the slide. 

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I would rather underpromise and overdeliver. 

I would rather people say “he’s definitely an M” than barely make a class that wasn’t imminently believable. 

But I kind of need classifier performance for accountability and context.  External, objective grading criteria. 

So that being said, here’s my baseline for my new goal. 



I have an advantage that nothing under 85% counts for score because of my other GM classifications. 

But I still have to make LO GM level scores to get them to count for Open minor M. 

I’m going for reproducibility over peak performance. 

This way it also keeps the process ongoing with V. If I make LO GM in the next month, my motivation (likely) goes with it. For her if she makes A, it’s still not the end. 

Six in Six is one of my favorite classifiers for skill. I will keep working that. 

I’m going to look through others to come up with a good blend of skills acquisition for myself and V. 


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Keeping myself in a happy place


Working six in six, my weak hand accuracy was better than my strong hand. 

I realized that I was stabilizing and bracing my weak hand more efficiently, whilst my strong hand was still based off my freestyle right hand grip. 

I wouldn’t have realized this without working stringent and high expectations of a classifier. 

I really do depend on classifiers to learn efficiency. 

Similar to the 24-06 efficiency sessions



I couldn’t make the time with my initial footwork choices, regardless of shooting. So I experimented with angles and movement and came up with more efficient footwork that gave my shooting a chance. 

V also doesn’t want to make A class before she’s ready. But also wants to use classifier data to let her know when she’s ready. 

So she’s going to do the same thing I’m going to do: Do the training and practice in Open and when she’s putting down B class open runs consistently then she’ll be ready to test for LO A class. 

The classifier training is for training, not for the purpose of lucking into hero high classification. 

If I were to pick 6 training classifiers, what 6 would I pick and why?


It would be 6 classifiers that span the breadth of skills, regardless of whether the classifiers are easy or difficult. 

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My candidate 6:





Rapid draw and transitions, rapid entry. 



Frontward and rear movement (HHFs are really stiff on this one). 


Expedient lateral transitions and doubles


Stand and shoots:


Rapid draws and transitions, rapid strong / weak. 


Accuracy doubles freestyle, strong and weak. 



Then rapid speed shoots with atypical starts:









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Tore down THS short course but didn’t have time to set up a new stage. 



Shot league but dot went out midway through. 

I thought it was because of this:




But it was because of this:




What a piece of crap. 

Contacts snapped off. 

Was debating what to put on it, was searching for other SRO lying around…


But forgot I had this:




So will transplant it, but looking at replacing the dot with something more robust. 

When they make a Holosun 507 Comp with a 5-6 MOA dot I’ll be all in on that. 

But for now I might have to consider going back to SRO. 

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Okay. f*#k that. 

I mounted the donor RTS2, but I don't feel good about that optic. 

When I compared deck heights and windows, the SRO deck height is a little lower and the window is larger. 



I ordered M4x12 screws that are grade 10.9 to fit the optics plate. 

I think it looks goofy from profile. 



But I’m more of a function than form kind of guy. 

In tens and tens of thousands of rounds, I’ve never broken an SRO. It’s still my favorite optic. 

I’m partial to ghost ring of a circle window too. 


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OCD much?


I fished out one of my other SRO and mounted it on my dry gun. 



I really, really like having my dry and live guns to be as close as I can. 


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What’s my goal for the sport?


1. Develop relationships

2. Enjoy being supported and supporting others.

3. Continue to learn how to solve problems of others choosing.

4. Continue efficient execution of the solutions. 
5. Continue developing well rounded pistol skills. 

When I started training with V, I was getting back into pistols. My mechanics were probably A class level. 

Through this year, I’m probably as good as I ever have been and I think I’m a respectable M from a gun handling and mechanics standpoint. 

I’ve been focusing more on stage planning and execution this year and it’s improved. 

I think the side quest of Open M for me and Open B for V is a good one. It’s not a classification that we will ever compete under, so I don’t think it should draw any hate if we game classifiers with the overall goal of improving skills. 

I’m already technically an Open M so it’s just for trackable metrics. For V, she’s a strong LO B so Open low B isn’t really a stretch. Getting to be a solid Open B will mean she’s improving skills which is the goal. 

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I love tools


I really appreciate things that improve efficiency. 

Going to see how this helps my stage setup efficiency. 

The alignment laser and being able to check square distances quickly might be useful. 

Having the angle leveling to also make sure things are horizontal will help too. 


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Ordered Alien #6


Been debating this purchase for a little while:




I want to experiment with a suppressed / compensated alien…


I wonder if it’ll shoot major…


I’ve heard it doesn’t hold up…. But how bad is bad? :D

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So my mansplanation of the purchase:


I like fixed barrel suppressor hosts. 

My other fixed barrel centerfire host is the Maxim 9 which has a god awful trigger. 

With a fixed barrel, it’s less likely to need a spring booster (Nielsen) device. 

So it’d make a great home defense gun, right?! 🤣 That’s good gun logic right?


This could very well be one of my bad ideas. I’ve got a whole room full of them, haha. 

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How accurate are the lines on the range?



Pretty good. 

I just worked some slow fire today. Freestyle, strong and weak. Trying to hit pasters at 7 yards. 

Was really delighted at my daughter’s experiment. 

She removed the eyes and transplanted sticky gems. Then cut off the head and removed the stuffing to make a bunny suit for a cat! 😂

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Creepy dudes


V gets unwanted attention from creepy shooting dudes. Usually it’s guys who are 20+ years older and have no mental filter or awareness of others. 

It’s kind of akin to this:


But V and Caitlin Clark are both too nice to be like: “dude, stop being creepy.”


The commonality is that the old dudes try to come up with some thinly veiled compliment that really is about their wanting to be close (either physically or emotionally) and somehow the woman is supposed to be flattered by some unorganized slob's opinion.


They mistake professionalism and kindness for attraction and desire, sublimating their own wishes while ignoring all visible social cues.


That, I think, is one of the things that makes these clueless people particularly unnerving. 


They're trying to impose their desires without any consideration or care about whom they are trying to impose on.


It usually takes an escalation to get them to realize that unwanted advances or touching are unrequited, but it leaves everyone uncomfortable. And with people who don't recognize or respect boundaries, it's always a risk that it's going to happen again.


It's essentially Mario Cuomo creeperness.


There's usually some veiled power threat and a (usually false) assumption that the woman should be wanting to curry the creeper's favor or attention.


It's rare to have a competent, hard working female at a shooting match who is nice and smiles at people. Some of these dudes just lose their minds at the prospect.


It's happened enough now that we are coming up with contingency plans. It's sucky that we even have to talk about things like that, but it's something I'll have to eventually talk about with my daughter as she navigates similar things in her life.



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On 2/27/2024 at 9:03 PM, -JCN- said:

Dry practice tonight:


The 1911 even with the shaved magwell... needs the extended mag basepads for more rapid seating. So I ordered some. I think it'll help.


I am very inconsistent with the 1911 reloads and think the extended pads should help, but basically I need more practice time.




This is from Feb 27th…


Finally got around to putting the extended base pads on…




Reloads are easier. 

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Did the teaching session the other day. 

I think I did a good job of being supportive and giving specific feedback and coaching for individual shooters.

We were initially going to run to classifiers, but it became clear that the students needed more drill time rather than test time. They really need to go have some smart, structured practice.


As is typical for C class shooters, they did not own timers and I demonstrated how important and how much feedback they can get with data. 

We started with the up close and then trying to use the same cadence showed them how to extend that at further distances. We also went for a second gear cadence at that distance. Got them to feel the difference in vision required.

All work done with a timer with feedback individually.


Then we went out to the freestyle string of six and six, which is draw six shots on three targets, reload and six shots on three targets at 25 yards. 

At these distances, vision and mechanics really are apparent. On the demonstration run I was able to do alphas and charlies with all 12 shots within time. 

We went through the math calculation of good hits versus more hits. and up to B class level, six good hits are likely all somebody can do until their mechanics improve. 

One student was able to get seven shots off on the first run with six alpha and one charlie. 

When he tried and achieved 12 shots, He actually scored significantly less points per target because of all the misses. 

I showed them how to break down classifiers to get training and learning feedback.


I drove one hour there and an hour back. Spent four hours teaching. Used my own targets and pasters. Didn’t charge a dime and they didn’t volunteer any club donations. I didn’t run official classifiers because it wasn’t what the students needed and the weather conditions were not great for long distance, shooting and stability. 

From their standpoint, it was the best first date ever. It was “amazing.“

I enjoyed helping, but I don’t think they are going to get a second date from me. I would’ve gotten more out of just a training day with V. I knew this going on and it was worth a try.


It’s like work. I really enjoy helping people and I like to think that objectively I’m pretty good at it. But it still takes emotional and physical effort, and I wouldn’t necessarily do it for free. I’m even less likely to do it when it costs me significant extra time and money.

When I train with V, we both are working on the same things. I don’t have to dumb it down at all. She also is very considerate and attentive and looks out for me. She always asks and makes sure that I’m getting what I need out of a session. 

It’s the difference between a relationship versus a unilateral first date.


We are getting together with some friends later in the weekend to run a classifier match. 

Since it is getting close to the end of the season here, we talked about V

just running it in LO. If she makes A class I think it’ll be okay because she has all winter to make up some margin to back it up by Spring. 

I’m fighting my ego, though. When my dot went down at a match, I just borrowed my old CO gun from V and promptly crushed the stage. 

So now I have a couple days to figure out If I want to try making LO GM, run it in Open, Shadow 2 in Production or the Les Baer in SS major. I also could run a Czechmate in Open major. 

Comparing hit factors, there is a humongous difference between LO and Production. There’s a pretty large difference even depending on the classifier for LO versus CO (with LO being higher). 

i’ll think about it a little bit more. I hosted a sleepover for my daughter and her two besties last night so I am not dry firing until that’s over.

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