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I've thought long and hard about responding to this post and against my better judgement...I've decided to. :wacko:

When I got started in the IPSC game...Ross Seyfried won the U.S. IPSC championship, the "hot" holster was manufactured by Bill Rogers (yup..before the days of Safariland), Colt was the only game in town, and the 8 round magazine was the greatest invention since sliced bread. The IPSC target was named the "millpark" target and for a short period we used a version of the millpark called the Florida 8 target with a round A zone (kinda like the IDPA target of today). The running joke around the IPSC circles was that IPSC stood for "Irrational People Squabbling Constantly." Unfortunately, this theory still has value even as we speak.

Along comes the 90's and with it the advent of the "professional shooter." Big named guys in fancy race car uniforms shooting the "circuit" that consisted of the Bianchi Cup, Steel Challenge, The Second Chance Bowling Pin match, the Soldier of Fortune match, and the IPSC Nationals. Here we see the next generation of IPSC shooters like TGO, Brian, J.Michael Plaxco, Jerry Barnhart, and Doug Koenig replace the heroes of old and cash in on their efforts. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and we see the 20 plus strong factory team of Springfield Armory disband (as did other teams) because of a variety of financial reasons. One aspect of this era didn't disband though...the belief that one could become a "known quanity" in the game of IPSC.

Here is where we are today and here is where we as a sport find the issues that divide us. For whatever reason IPSC shooting has become a provincial activity. For some, the "screw you" attitude is the order of the day. They couldn't care less what others like, want, or have to go through to be able to compete as long as their interests are served. There are two camps or "warring factions" if you will in this fight... those that support the current divisional system and those that don't. All of us in one form or another practice this...myself included. The only aspect of this issue I have not nor would not practice is calling someone in another division a coward because of the division they chose or the type of firearm they choose to purchase and compete with. It's not the debate I'm tired of...it's the personal attacks one has to suffer from fellow shooters and gun owners . I've devoted a larger portion of my time and efforts to L10 division...I don't take kindly to the types of attacks both myself and the division have suffered on this forum. I've been told to ask the question, "what's wrong with me?" My only answer is that I'm sick of hearing the same tired old story about how L10 should have been something else or eliminated altogether. Disturbingly so, once they've run out of tangible ideas...they chose to attack those that participate in L10 as a way to drive home their point.

As a PPC and Action Pistol High master and an IPSC Master (Limited Division) shooter, I've NEVER felt the need to hide from anyone. In all honesty, I compete against myself and myself only. I'm the kind of guy that will bring his S&W model 19 with the 2.5 inch barrel to the American Handgunner Postal Match just to see how far up the ladder I can climb with my carry gun. Hell... I got my IPSC "M" card with a 30 some year old Gold Cup, shot my first 1900 (1903 132x) at the '92 cup with a bone stock S&W 686 and shot my first 600 with a bargain basement S&W model 67. I do everything the hard way...even still use a 45acp long after the 40 caliber round took over Limited divison. Before you accuse me of "hiding" from you...get it clear in your head that I was never looking for you in the first place and neither was anyone else. We all just competitors looking for a good time...nothing more, nothing less.

Lastly...a big THANK YOU to all whom e-mailed me with your kind comments and best wishes. Words can not describe what your comments have meant to me and I won't forget them. A special thank you to SteveZ, Spook, Bigbadaboom, Ron, Nolan, and Merlin for your care and concern. It's guys like yourselves that make the sport of IPSC what it is. :wub:

As of now...I've had enough. I simply wanted to thank those that stuck up for me and offered their support. I'll be lurking every now and then...feel free to pm me when the mood strikes and if you see me at the match (I'm the fat campus cop...usually eating something bad for me)...stop by and say hi...the brew is on me.

Edited by Chuck D
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Can everyone here shoot the el-prez with 60pts, in <5 seconds?

Almost. I can shoot 3 bill drills in a row in 7.00 secs 4 points down (Sitting during the last one).

Stage: 5 Bill Drill

Place Name No. Class Division Pts Pen Time Hit Fact Stg Pts Stg %

1 Lawson, Ed 21 M Limited 89 0 6.99 12.7325 90.0000 100.00%

2 Cook, Daniel 8 B Limited 86 0 7.00 12.2857 86.8418 96.49%

3 Donaldson, Bob 13 M Limited 88 0 7.44 11.8280 83.6065 92.90%

4 Collier, James 6 M Open 88 0 7.46 11.7962 83.3817 92.65%

5 Hyatt, Tony 18 B Open 89 0 7.70 11.5584 81.7008 90.78%

6 Wallace, Bruce 33 M Production 82 0 7.10 11.5493 81.6365 90.71%

7 Twerdochlib, Nichola 31 B Limited 83 0 7.19 11.5438 81.5976 90.66%

8 Bonham, Jonathan 4 B Limited 86 0 7.50 11.4667 81.0527 90.06%

9 Selvetti, Mike 28 U Open 89 0 7.78 11.4396 80.8611 89.85%

10 Morrison, Dana 25 B Limited 86 0 8.43 10.2017 72.1110 80.12%

11 Jones, Matt 19 B Open 90 0 9.14 9.8468 69.6024 77.34%

12 Gosselin, Bob 15 C Open 88 0 9.33 9.4319 66.6696 74.08%

13 Nowak, George 26 B Open 74 0 7.90 9.3671 66.2116 73.57%

14 Connelly, John 7 B Open 88 0 9.59 9.1762 64.8622 72.07%

15 Attamante, Bill 2 A Limited 10 81 0 8.97 9.0301 63.8295 70.92%

16 Donaldson, Vilma 14 B Open 87 0 9.95 8.7437 61.8051 68.67%

17 Bennett, Bruce 3 B Open 84 0 9.95 8.4422 59.6739 66.30%

18 Apuzzo, John 1 D Production 80 0 10.39 7.6997 54.4255 60.47%

19 Corley, DeBee 9 C Production 84 0 10.99 7.6433 54.0269 60.03%

20 Schultz, David 27 C Open 78 10 8.99 7.5640 53.4663 59.41%

21 Todd, Marshall 30 M Open 89 40 7.41 6.6127 46.7420 51.94%

22 Diaz, Sandro 11 M Limited 85 40 7.35 6.1224 43.2763 48.08%

23 Wade, Lamarr 32 U Production 74 0 12.24 6.0458 42.7349 47.48%

24 McConnell, Jim 23 D Production 72 0 12.04 5.9801 42.2705 46.97%

25 Humphrey, Chuck 16 B Open 89 0 15.01 5.9294 41.9121 46.57%

26 Messina, Todd 24 D Production 88 0 15.32 5.7441 40.6023 45.11%

27 Loveland, Dean 22 D Limited 10 80 0 14.27 5.6062 39.6276 44.03%

28 Diaz, Peter 10 U Production 74 0 13.94 5.3085 37.5233 41.69%

29 Hyatt, Mary 17 D Open 90 0 17.23 5.2234 36.9217 41.02%

30 Dominy, Julian 12 C Limited 10 74 10 14.89 4.2982 30.3819 33.76%

31 Carr, John 5 D Limited 70 30 13.31 3.0053 21.2430 23.60%

32 Krompegal, Bill 20 U Limited 10 85 20 21.79 2.9830 21.0854 23.43%

33 Stites, Mark 29 U Limited 86 40 15.51 2.9658 20.9638 23.29%

Ain't it cool!!!!!! :D

Edited by Bigbadaboom
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I hate to say it but there has definately been a decline in politeness here in the last year. There seems to be a growing trend towards the idea of "you need thicker skin". Most other places on the internet I will agree with this. The politeness was always the best thing about this place. What other forums have you actually meet a bunch of the members? I think it is very simple...Follow the rules or go be rude somewhere else.

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