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Do I Have Unreasonable Expectations Of Teenager's Beheavior?

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Wow am I the only one who things the kid is way out of line here?

There's a difference between out of line and wheather teenagers have gotten worse "since i was a kid." Various people are responding to one or the other, or both.

Cranky teenage girls that don't like adults is hardly a new phenomenon. Failure to inform you of a discharged cordless phone is hardly the worst example of said phenomenon.

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But handing it to me knowing it was discharged is different matter entirely. I know. I asked before she could leave the room.

Why the F%^& hand the phone to me and expect me to put it on the charger when she was the one who ran it completely dead in the first place?

(goes to personal responsibility, or the lack thereof, which only further solidifies my opinion of the current crop of teenagers. Karnak sees a future of filled with 20-somethings whose primary response is going to be "....no, that's not my job....." But that's just my opinion and I could be wrong. YMMV)

And switching gears just a wee bit too....Mama sure was shocked when that $400 plus plus cable TV bill came. Seems daughter was watching all this pay per view or on demand movies w/o Mama's authorization.


What did daughter do?

She just played the "I am 15 year old air headed blonde teenager" card, and Mama with her firmly implanted "Mommy Goggles" let her get by with that crap, all the $%#$### time.

So yeah......NOTE TO SELF: Never get involved with a single mother ever again.

Lesson learned, 'Nuf said!

Edited by Chills1994
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