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What Shooting Competitions Out There?


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One of the articles I prepared for LadySureShots Forums is a brief introduction for shooting sprots. Like:

first list ALL the shooting sprots/leage/associations. Including USPSA to sporting clay to olympic, bullseye, PPC (is that PCP, no, PPC right?), long gun, three gun.....

then, briefly discribe how its like, what gears you need and star-rating for difficulties to participate and most importantly, stage discription.

Then, discribe class/ranking. if USPSA, differences in prod/limt/open and how one become say, B class.

Can you guys help me by pointing out already written articles or bette yet, write some up? It will be a great help for a beginner. Its almost like reading a user manual before buying a DVD player.


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It would be great if everyone would go out and try Trap and skeet. While many people shoot registered competition, the majority shoot both games for fun.

Here in the ATA website: http://www1.shootata.com/atahome.cfm

If you have a shotgun, any shotgun, simply take it to the nearest club with a trap or skeet field and tell them that you want to try the game. Shooters are usually eager to help newcomers.

After you shoot a few rounds, tell the friendliest guy you see that he has a cool-looking shotgun ( this works even better for women). Most likely, he will insist that you shoot it and will probably give you shells :D .

We try really hard to make new shooters feel at home around our club. I hope all other clubs do the same.

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Wow thank you! You guys making my job easier. I wouldn't find it if you didn't tell me.

JD I did trap once and loved it. Maybe because I borrowed instructor's souped up shotgun and I did so well I was called "Annie" I always do great first time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sportsman's Team Challenge

In just the past two years it is now ran by the shooters. It is changeing to make the Sporitng Shogun parts 'Much" eazyer, the shot gun parts used to be a Challenge.

=The new eazy shotgun is NOT to my liking and I did everything I could to keep it near the old level of challenge. 1/2 or the event is sporting shotgun ,1/2 is handgun and 22 rifle

It is still a grate game and with the shotgun changes it will be eazzyer for crossover shooters.

Brian used to be at the Top of the game.

WE now have two person teams as well as the origional three person teams.

My Webpage Sportsman's Team Challenge


Edited by AlamoShooter
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You might already have this site but I thought I would mention it in case you didn't. Check out www.icore.org. ICORE is a revolver only group and there is an excellent article by one of the female competitors describing her experience at the Championship match. Might be just what you are looking for the ladies forum.

Eating & holidays go together - We had hot pot for Christmas! Beats turkey and easier to clean up.

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