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Crouching -- Technique? Tips?

boo radley

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Something I seem to run into a lot of lately, are stages where I have to crouch/bend/kneel down to shoot under something...I'm 6'2", and at 40y.o., not quite as limber as I should be, and I'm really losing a lot of time, on these stages.

Specific concerns are: 1) tempting to rest against the side of the barricade, or cross-bar, to steady the aim in an awkward position. I know this is "bad", but if I haven't gotten in a good position, before shooting, it almost seems faster than shifiting, especially when the pistol's shaking. :)

2) Kneeling vs. just crouching. So far I've been throwing the far knee down, but I'm wondering if I should try to squat, instead?

Any general tips or suggestions? Many thanks

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Rather than a "deep" crouch, If possible I much prefer the one knee down. At some point my knees got to the rice krispie stage - snap, crackle and pop. Not only do I feel I am overstressing them when I come from fast movement into a crouch but less stable in my "shooting platform." I had rather take an extra second than risk another knee surgery.

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I have been working in this myself. I generally put down one knee. Also when I run across ports just a tad lower then my head, I bend from my back and not from my knees. I've been trying to break myself of these habits and I found that for me, a wider stance helps with bending my knees easier. For the really low ports I also found that a viet crouch type possition is easier to get in and out of then most other things. By crouching all the way down I dont have to keep to much muscle tention in my legs while shooting and I am fairly stable. Its not as fast to get out of as a half crouch but it is a lot faster then kneeling.

I think you need to experiment and see what works for you.

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A wide stanced crouch is generally good, just keep your weight centered or you may find yourself on your back and awarded a fast trip to the showers if your muzzle control isn't all there.

In truth it all depends upon where in the stage the low port is as to how you approach it. If you have to rise again and shoot, it is probably best not to contact the ground with more than your feet assuming you can rise up again. If it is the last port, then you can get as low as yo uneed and plant whatever you need, getting up again be damned!

I also find that in practice, I tend to have a tougher time getting into and out of crouches, but when the buzzer sounds, assuming I have not forgotten my entire plan, I can generally get into and out of a low crouch just find. Amazing what a little adrenilan can do!

Jim Norman

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I think a couple of video clips of Stage 2 from this year's Nationals were posted...Blake and TGO. Stage 2 had a couple of low positions at in the first half of the stage. Check out the gallery, I believe that is where the video clips are posted.

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A wide stanced crouch is generally good, just keep your weight centered or you may find yourself on your back and awarded a fast trip to the showers if your muzzle control isn't all there.

Aagh. Got my first (hopefully *only*) DQ this weekend, and it's still painful. I will assuredly be careful.

In truth it all depends upon where in the stage the low port is as to how you approach it. If you have to rise again and shoot, it is probably best not to contact the ground with more than your feet assuming you can rise up again. If it is the last port, then you can get as low as yo uneed and plant whatever you need, getting up again be damned!

Good point. The most recent example, of what I'm finding tough, would be a classifier like "Ironsides" -- don't remember the CM # -- but you have to both kneel/crouch *and* shoot around something from one side, then the other. It's a little tricky to shoot like that for me, especially on the left side of the box, but I think I really wasted time getting in/out of position.

As you suggest, I'll have to play around and practice different ways. The "Viet Cong squat" might be faster than I had thought, but there's the balance issue....

Flex$ - I *think* I dl'd the correct .wmv from the USPSA site -- is this the clip where the shooters are starting lying on their backs? The first two ports are low, but not as low as I'm talking about -- having to shoot things that are under like 30" or so.

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