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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Where to buy the trigger safety on a ZEV trigger that fell out?


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So I was at a PRS match that I needed to use my Glock.  On the last stage, I pulled the pistol, racked the slide, and attempted to pull the trigger, and it was all locked up.....  I did the old tap, rap, and no bang.  Dropped the mag and in doing so I saw the little bar that you depress with your trigger finger inside the trigger was jammed perpendicular to the to the frame, and jammed up the works.  Grabbed my mag and used my buddies pistol to finish the stage.


When we were done, I asked the RO if I could try and fix it and shoot a round or two.  He said sure.  When I went to retrieve it from the dump box, the little doodad was missing, must have fallen out somewhere.  Loaded the mag, and fires just fine, just no trigger safety.


So with that said, where I can buy or get a replacement for that piece that is now missing?  I guess my question is that proprietary to the ZEV trigger, or does ZEV use the stock glock piece?

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