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Backyard Dryfire Targets


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I like to leave targets up in the backyard all year round so I can just head out and work on dryfire with no setup. I have been using corrugated plastic - the kind that they make signs out of and it's really fantastic stuff. Costs about $11 for a 4x8 sheet. It's super durable. I've had some steel-challenge-like-sorta rectangles up for over a year and they still look brand new.

One of these days, I'm going to have some full IPSC targets cut out of the stuff.

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I like to leave targets up in the backyard all year round so I can just head out and work on dryfire with no setup.  I have been using corrugated plastic - the kind that they make signs out of and it's really fantastic stuff.  Costs about $11 for a 4x8 sheet.  It's super durable.  I've had some steel-challenge-like-sorta rectangles up for over a year and they still look brand new.

One of these days, I'm going to have some full IPSC targets cut out of the stuff.

Great Idea.... I am on my way to the lumber yard! :)

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Great Idea.... I am on my way to the lumber yard! :)

Never seen corrugated plastics at a lumber yard in *this* neck of the woods, but I can get it at plastics specialty distributor.


Who says you have to make human silhouttes? You could make circles and rectanges. You could put up amoeba targets even. It's all good. I just screw mine onto trees.

You can do a LOT of different scenarios with just three fixed targets spaced at odd distances. Just by altering your position relative to the targets, you can practice short transitions, or very long transitions.

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Eric, the problem I think would be pointing the gun outside in the first place. I live in town and have a privacy fence but no matter where I point that Glock it would look like I was pointing it at someones house.

On the human silhouettes, I'm not exactly a politically correct individual and make no excuses for the type of shooting I am doing.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Eric, the problem I think would be pointing the gun outside in the first place.  I live in town and have a privacy fence but no matter where I point that Glock it would look like I was pointing it at someones house.

On the human silhouettes, I'm not exactly a politically correct individual and make no excuses for the type of shooting I am doing. 


I'm going to start putting targets up throughout the house just to raise the ire of my wife. :lol:

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Walan, that "...putting targets up throughout the house just to raise the ire of my wife " works man. I've been there. My middle son's room is at the end of a long hall wall and I have an IPSC METRIC target on his door most days when he comes home from school. He's not home when I dry fire and no ammo is in the same room with me, but my wife still looks at me a little funny. It's the longest area that I have in the house to dry fire at a full size target and Steve Anderson said that his shooting went up went he practiced on full size targets instead of reduced sized ones so I am there to begin with.


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Personally, I think that dryfire at reduced targets at reduced distances is nowhere near equivalent to the real deal.

Also, when you go to the range, there's no law (at least at mine) that says you can't run around the bay and dryfire. I spend probably 30%+ of my range time doing dry fire runs.

If I'm in an area with simply no safe direction, I'll leave the chamber flag in my STI and practice that way. Draws become a tad awkward, but are still doable out of my 012.

Otherwise, time to move to the country...

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I thought that there was some rule about only one sight picture these days. There is another rule about no individual walk throughs. So you go to a match and dry fire the stage while no one is there? Maybe I read if wrong because you did not say match you just said that you do it at the range. I have been to the range and did dry fire practice before I ever loaded a mag up, just not at a match.

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