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Alright Kansans, what's up with the BLM land around here? Where a

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So the gist is, I'm looking for public non-range land to practice on.

Back in AZ, whole swaths of land were owned by the BLM, and you could drive your truck out to a secluded spot in the desert, set up your own little stages in front of a hill and run your own shoot n scoot courses all day long. Every now and then some dirt bikes would buzz by, otherwise you could enjoy being American in the great outdoors all by yourself for a few hours without some rent-a-cop whining about your non-standardized chamber flag.

It's kind of nice to set up your own cardboard, zero your toys that have new optics, run a few bill drills/presidentes/dot drills, and then set up steel with your own boundaries and time yourself on your own personal little stages.

I have very little interest in shooting at stationary ranges with floods of mall ninjas, children, punks, gun "experts" and other lovable characters that want to share my oxygen. Those places are cute for folks with their first gun that shoot at zombie printouts from 7 yards once a year, but I'd like to have some freedom to draw from my expensive competition holsters and move a little bit to practice walking reloads and clearing homemade plate racks. And I'd like to send more lead downrange than the 75-150 rounds once a month at sanctioned matches.

Of the supposed 300,000+ acres of public land, which are the action shooters practicing on? The state regs seem to say that target shooting is fine, but where are y'all doing it?

I'm in Riley county but will gladly commute for a good shootin' cove. A nice little creek wash or 20ft hillside or something...

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Lifelong Kansan here. Don't confuse 300,000 acres of "public land" with the BLM territory you are familiar with. Something like 95% of all BLM is in the western U.S. (And no, KS is not in the western U.S.). I'm not certain but I imagine those 300,000 include the the land that's covered by lakes. Maybe not but, 300,000 still isnt much at all when it's spread across the entire state. And more importantly, "Public land" in Kansas is NOT TREATED THE SAME WAY as BLM. The BLM land I have been on out west is remote and just about anything goes. I don't know the laws exactly but I reckon that if you do find public land and set up targets and start blazing away you will have wardens visit you real quick. I'm not saying it's illegal or legal but it's not the norm around here so you will draw attention.

The area around Manhattan gets real rural real quick. I would say your best bet is to hit up some farmers or get on Craigslist. Be courteous and be prepared to hear "no" but most country folk around here are gun friendly. If you find the right guy and offer to set up steel in his sand pit or behind the pond damn and tell him he can use them anytime he wants I bet you would have some takers.

Best of luck finding a place. It's definitely doable.

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I've not visited this place yet, and it'd be a bit of a haul for you - but their steel setup sure looks impressive, moreso than your last picture.


So I just called them because the range setup was very impressive and I was very interested, turns out you have the rent out the entire steel range for the day and the price is:


Yah, f*#k that. For some reason I suddenly lost my interest.

Edited by KSwift
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I would say your best bet is to hit up some farmers or get on Craigslist. Be courteous and be prepared to hear "no" but most country folk around here are gun friendly. If you find the right guy and offer to set up steel in his sand pit or behind the pond damn and tell him he can use them anytime he wants I bet you would have some takers.

Looks like this is quickly becoming Plan A.

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Yah, f*#k that. For some reason I suddenly lost my interest.

Wow, that's a shame. It would make for a good corporate team-building or competition setup, if they weren't located so far from civilization.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk HK, probably while driving.

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And you're

Yah, f*#k that. For some reason I suddenly lost my interest.

Wow, that's a shame. It would make for a good corporate team-building or competition setup, if they weren't located so far from civilization.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk HK, probably while driving.

And you're considering KC civilized? :surprise:

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There is the Cimarron National Grassland in the extreme SW corner but that's a fair piece by anyone's standards, but driving across Kansas is a strenuous exercise in mental stamina.

I've shot on the Comanche National Grassland range but it's actually a little farther in just across the line in CO. The good part is that (at least out west), you can find places like you describe and have them to yourself because you just won't see any other people around. My kind of place! Find yourself a landowner and make nice with them. Good luck.

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