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Drill times


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I was wondering what some times were for some drills.

I need to start doing some drills. I'm going to the range tomorrow and want to get some times to start on so I can gauge my progress. What are some basic drills to start out with?

I did some searching and found some. Are these good, any others???

Bill drill, hands at side and surrender

Bill drill- 6, reload 6

2-2-2 drill

2-2-2 reload, 2-2-2

The basic practice draw

Draw-shoot 1, reload, shoot 1

Of course the EL Prez with all the hype going on about it. I have never tried it and just want to see how it goes, more for fun

Whats some times on these drills??? I shot for 6months in 1999 and haven't picked up a pistol since until last weekend Work schedule messed me up. Had to work EVERY weekend. I want to track my progress and I'm looking for some goals to reach. For those who are going to say it, fast as you can shoot an A.

I understand that but want some times.

I thought I was doing the bill drill last weekend but found out I wasn't. Set up 3 targets at 10yds about 3 ft apart, from surrender 2 to each target, 1.92 with a limited gun.

I want to get some ideas so I can take to the range tomorrow and actually know what drill I'm doing.



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Just a tip that I recently learned for the bill drill times...

You should shoot bill drills at varying distances (5-50 yards) and your total time should be twice your draw.


1.5 sec draw = 3 sec total time (good)

1.5 sec draw = 3.5 sec total time (work on your splits)

1.5 sec draw = 2.5 sec total time (work on your draw)

This is a really good, basic rule of thumb to practice by. It keeps your progression consistant and it works at any distance for any level of shooter. It takes the pressure off of the standard "2 second bill drill @ 10 yards" and tells you exactly what you need to work on at any level.

Hope that helps! and I credit Mr. Voigt for the tip. ;)

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I use a similiar guide when checking draw vs. reload times. If they vary by more than a tenth, something needs work. I usually do hands relaxed draws, as they seem to be the most common.

For example:

10y roughly 1.00 for draw or reload, at 15y roughly 1.15 for either, 25 roughly 1.35 for either.

It's easy to stand knee deep in brass and just hit 1 reload 1, but I find a more representative tiem is what I do in a "vice pres" or similiar drill. Then your focus has enough time to drift a bit from your draw or reload because you actualy have to shoot a little.

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I'm probably going to get slapped by several forum members on this suggestion - but its what I do so slap away! ;)

I really try very hard to stay away from drills where I shoot more than two shots on one single target and more than 6 rounds in one string. And I rarely shoot more than 2 shots on a target before taping - maybe 4 shots (ok - on a bill drill I shoot 6 then tape :) )

There are exceptions - sometimes I set up scenarios that I need to work on etc. etc. or sometimes I want to practice transitions enmass so I set up 5 targets or something like that.

I do honestly feel though that practice is something that you do to specifically refine a part of your game. So when I practice I take specific things, maybe 4 that I want to work through, and I only shoot around those things.

I've had several practice sessions where I shot 50 one shot draws, 50 2 shot draws and maybe 5 or 10 bill drills - just to work through a process.

The other thing I'll get slapped for (damn - again! :angry: ) but it's something I keep near and dear to me is this whole concept of practicing like its a match which inherently makes achieving some drill times tough. The sub 3 El Pres is a great example of this very concept. It'll get done, Jake or Steve or somebody else will do it. I doubt VERY highly that it'll ever get done in a match. I know someone will tell you a drill time of 1.4 on a bill drill at 7 or 10 yards and they certainly are not lying about it - but I'd again say that is tough to duplicate in a match.

*This post is getting longer than I intended time* So for me I gotta know what I want to get done during a practice session. Am I ok with shooting a bunch of misses if I'm trying to find a new way of getting something done quicker? Possibly - but I also need to find those practice sesssions where I say "I ain't shooting anything but A's today" where during the whole practice session I'm slower than I'd ever be in a match however in 300 rounds I shoot 5 C's or something like that. As with all things - it's scenario based and goal based which is why you'll likely get a bunch of different answers that are ALL correct.


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Won't get slapped by me. Very sound reasoning. The better I get, the more I stay away from trying to shoot anything but A's in practice. My "smooth" and acurate factors are increasing in mathces as the times decrease. Somthing to be said about perfect practice.

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