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Lasik eye correction

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I have been reading this thread for a while. I had Lasik this morning at 9:30, I was really nervous reading what some people had said but I have to say I can already "see" an improvement. I was given the instructions that I needed to stay awake for 6 hours after the procedure, That time had to be the worst part I was pretty much not able to keep my eyes open for very long and then about 30 min ago I started to be able to keep them open. Here I sit for the first time infront of my computer with no Glasses! I had a slight astigmatism ( sp) in both eyes and when I looked thru my red dot it appeared with a big halo. I just view my holosight and that is the sharpest I have ever seen the dot. It is about time form me to take my last pain pill and head to sleep with these plastic shields over my eyes. I'll post what my results are tomorrow when I get my check up.


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Well I went back for my follow up on Friday at 9am, I was 20/20 in the right eye and 20/25 in the left. Dr says everything should turn out just fine. I have seen my vision change during the day and light effects me way more than it use too. I am seeing some halos at night but that is suppose to go away in the next few weeks. The biggest difference is dept perception. I can really tell a difference there. I guess that is the astigmatism going away, not sure though. I am glad I did the surgery. One thing to note is while I was there Friday my roommate stated that the lady in front of me must not have been doing as well, as she was having to come back on Sat for a follow up.

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I had Lasik done last Friday. I have worn glasses for 40 years and contacts for 26. Eyesight was in the 20/600 range. I could see a slight shadow but couldn't read it as the Big "E" on the chart. I researched it and went with a reputable Dr. There was no bargain price involved.

When I got off the table, I could see my wife in the other room. Before surgery, I may be able to tell there was a person there but sure couldn't ID them. Eyesight got a bit better during the day although most of it was spent with my eyes closed or sleeping per DR instructions. However, I was able to watch the NBA game on TV for the first time without glasses that night. And read the score posted in the lower right corner.

The next day checkup, I could read down about 4 lines on the chart. Still blurry, some double vision but I was told that is normal, especially for a long term lens wearer. Apparently we heal slower too.

So it is now 5 day post Lasik and I can see well enough to drive and do most things around the house. I cannot read small print at all, even with reading glasses. I can read a newspaper but it's still a bit blurry. I cannot yet focus on the front sight although it too is getting better. And the dot on my Cmore looks more like an explosion than a circle.

I get another checkup Friday and will see what happens then. I know everyone is different in their response and healing time with Lasik. I guess I am just impatient. They told me going in that it can take several months for all the healing and settling in to occur.

I went into this with the attitude that if I get 20/20 or better vision, it would be a miracle. If I get vision that will allow me to do 95% of what I need to do without glasses, I would be happy. And if I have to wear contacts to fine tune my eyesight for shooting or precision tasks or go back for another surgery to fine tune it, that's fine. I can live with it. I am still so much better off by not being shackled to glasses just to function that the rest is just an inconvenience.

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I hope everything goes well for you! I feel very lucky not to have to wear glasses or contacts, Interesting thing though is that the biggest difference I have seen is in my depth perception. I know know why people said I tailgated.

It was real confusing when I started back shooting, I could not hit anything. I had to adjust my sights to the left and down as I was hitting about 4 inches high to the right. At first I thought one of my sights had broken but then it hit me that when a friend use to shoot my pistol that they always questioned what I lined up or sighted in because they were always off. Now we both shoot the same.

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This morning I went to my friendly neighborhood opthamologist for three hours of evaluation to see if I was a candidate for the Waveform Lasik surgery. It was looking good until they discovered I have cataracts (that might explain why I can not see the front sight!). I did not catch all the three letter acronyms this visit but will get a better explanation in a few days when I go back.

The best option so far it seems to me is to have the Cyrstalens IOL surgery. This relatively new procedure replaces the lens with a plastic one on hinges which allows a return of near-far vision. B)

Anyone heard of or had experience with this yet?

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Update from my one week Lasik checkup. I have 20/40 vision now but it is farsighted instead of the 20/600 nearsighted. The Dr. says that is good as they have to over compensate some. He said all looked great and I should really be seeing clearer by my next appointment at the end of June. He expects me to end up where I want to be. Hope he is right.

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