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How to prepare for larger field courses? Advice

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One thing I like to do is to walk the stage behind the RO. While walking down to the end to tape targets, look through the ports so I can remember what targets are there. I also RO as much as possible before I shoot. This helps me remember the stage, standing back and BSing with others shooters will not help.

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It goes back to visualization. See it in your mind over and over and over again. Make your body know when you need to turn and what angles to look at when you are there. If you can successfully shoot a stage in your mind you will more than likely be able to do it when that timer beeps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice shooting! The stage you posted looked like it was designed to require technical positioning in order to see targets for engagement. This requires you to know where your feet need to be in order to engage each target. What I do is find an index Mark of some kind on the ground typically, but at tines on props or other things on the range that I can line ny feet up with when moving into position. That way when I arrive, if ny feet are where they should be the targets are right there when I look for them. This practice also ensures that your feet both enter the position correctly, and are positioned to exit the position correctly. If you get your foot placement worked out during your stage planning you can sprint directly to where you need to be and you won't be hunting for targets.

Edited by lawboy
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