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Drawing; Grip Fast Or Smooth?


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Great thread!

I can't help but point out that no one here has responded from a purely motivational perspective. If the OP is interested in his draw right now so I say go for it. Use that interest to drive more practice time than something he might not be particularly jazzed about.

Yeah, that answer won't get you to GM. But c'mon, am I really that alone here with a primary goal of having fun and maybe someday being an A shooter?

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do it very very fast! like a snap.

to do that and be successful each time, you have to dry fire different positions, different starts. i spent 40min a day, 4x a week, just for draws. put in the hard work, youll see great results. look at Mike Seeklanders book. its a very good training book.

you'll need a timer too. the beep is your friend.

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The thing that sped me up was ensuring my arm was loose. When I tried to work on speeding up the draw I found myself tensing up my arm in an attempt muscle my hand there quicker, quite the opposite happened. When I draw in the first step of the draw (getting your hand to the gun and getting a grip) I think about being loose (shoulders, arms, wrists). On the buzzer I keep my wrists loose and almost flick my hand to the gun, think light quick motion, not firm strong motion. Then I take a solid grip. I figured this out after watching Burkett's draw where he keeps stressing loose shoulders/etc. Before I figured this out my absolute best draws(draw gun, stop when I have an acceptable sight picture) were .9-1sec. After I figured that out I got down to .6-.7. Also I make sure to index my arm before the draw, hands down my inner forearm is touching the grip, hands up I touch my head at eye level to get my hands at the same height every time then rotate my arms out about 8in or so bending only at the elbows. I'm nowhere as good as many of the ppl here but that was a breakthru for me, I just couldnt figure out how on earth anyone was drawing under .9 till I stopped trying to power to the gun and got more cat like/nimble.

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