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brass wont eject


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I have this new 646 with the titanium cylinder, when I shot it this afternoon if I shot one or two at a time when I ejected all the spent shells the came right out.


when shooting all six fast and trying to eject to reload fast they would not budge.

Whats the deal? any of you that have one of these have this problem.

if you let them cool off for half a second or more they come right out.

Any tips? I have also posted this question on the gunsmith thread but you know they mostly deal with bottom feeders.

I really like this gun and hope to use it in IDPA and ICORE as the 625 is the USPSA gun but these sticking shells WON'T cut it.

HELP WANTED !!!!! :angry:


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Hopalong: Remind me--is your gun the older PC version? If so, I have a friend who had that same sort of problem with his. He thought the stickiness varied depending on the type of powder used, but I never got anymore details than that.

I'm shooting Titegroup powder, and having absolutely no problems with my non-PC (cheap version) 646. Been shooting IDPA with it all summer--works slick.

Hope you get it figured out.


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this gun is the Non PC model.

Using tite-group in these loads, they make 140000 pf. 155 grn jacketed bullets so it is not lead residue.

The inside of the holes seem to be grainy like the outside, seems to me they need to be smooth.

Thanks Mike

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As Mike stated I would first look at the powder residue in the cylinder. Fire a few rounds then while the cylinder is over some paper run a brush though the cylinders and see what comes out. The cylinders should be relatively smooth but with titanium I am not sure what to expect. later rdd

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Yeah, I don't think it's a powder residue issue. I'm loading Titegroup with a 135-gr. plated bullet for a 135,000 p.f., must be a pretty similar load to Hopalong's.

The internal surfaces of the chambers on my 646 appear very smooth and shiny.

Hopalong, maybe you have one (or more) chambers that are just a little rough--rough enough to catch the hot expanded brass until it cools off for a couple seconds and shrinks down a little. I think I'd try to lightly polish the chambers.

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Inside of chambers seems like the outside of cylinder, kind of powder coat looking and to the finger not real smooth.... will take FLITZ and the drimmel tool to one and see....


Thanx round gun shooter, if all else fails.... <_<

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