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Looking to Try before i buy


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I am looking to get either a 2011 or 1911 build started this off season and i cannot decide which route to go. My wife has a Spartan 9mm which is fun to shoot in IDPA and steel challenge and the gun fits my hand well. I like the idea of being able to use a 2011 for IDPA/USPSA/Steel/3gun. I like the feel of the 1911 but would like to shoot a 2011 and see how it feels in my hand before i lay down a good deal of $$ on one blindly. My question is, is there anyone in West Michigan that would be willing to meet up with me and try out their limited gun/steel/3 gun 2011? Unfortunately shops close to me don't stock these.

if this is not the right place to post, i apologize

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Check out the USPSA shooting schedule for the South Kent Sportsmens Club in Dorr. They shoot on the third Saturday of the month. There will be several people there with 2011 Limited guns and will be happy to answer your questions.


im going to try and make it to the last match

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