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Slide locks open with one left


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I have an Witness Match 9mm that has recently started locking back with one round left in the mag. I have one factory mag with the orange follower in it, and two from midway with black followers. I can only say for sure that it happens with the orange follower one. But only paid attn once. Any ideas where to start looking for the problem. I have put a new spring in the mag in quest. Think it may have been the wolff extra power spring.

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It's the orange follower magazine. After a while the follower starts to point more and more skywards. You can trim the ledge on the follower, or do a little creative bending with the spring. Personally, I just replaced the spring with Wolff springs meant for the CZ. They are better shaped and hook unto the center sprew of the follower instead of pushing up against the front of the follower.

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