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Questions of bent mainspring


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I read the post "wich strain screw" and I have some questions relatively the job of bent the mainspring.

My 686-5 three years ago, Gary Cuttita think he bent the mainspring and works really well today.

Well..I mad some pics of this one and compared with an original one not bent.

I believe that the mainspring bent is less hard to pull the trigger and then it lightens :closedeyes:

*****But this job influence the power of the hammer strike?*****

On this 686-5 I have a very good trigger weight.

Well..on my 686 SSR that I use for Idpa and Icore competition I have a Wilson mainspring, and I noticed on this one there's a factory point bent. It was made like that to do the same work?




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Let's see if I can answer this right. The small bend at the hook does very little to lighten the trigger pull as the distance that it affects if very slight. When you bend them closer to the middle it makes a bigger difference in the distance and thusly uses less of the power of the springwhen the hammer is being released from the trigger. Bending the mainspring allows you to tighten the mainspring scew all the way tight so it does not loosen over use. :sight: At least that is my theory, the Big Bang Theory. later rdd

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you can compare trigger pull when you adjust same hammer pull with different bent MS

I mean that change is almost at the theoretical level, just by changing the load vector at the end of spring

bent spring will be working closer to the middle part, where have higher energy by stronger profile

negative will be higher nonlinearity of trigger pull

that will be all time ballancing betveen comfort and relliability

60-70% of DA trigger pull is trigger rebound spring (individual, it depend how fast trigger rebound shooter need)

most important things for reliability and effectivity is

1/ reducing friction of hammer

2/ hammer bobing

3/ well primer seating

4/ reducing firing pin spring

5/ perfect flat clips

6/ extending track of the hammer by weld-on DA trigger tooth

I´m sure I forgot something :unsure:

Edited by 4mike
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the hammer will fall down when is betven trigger and frame 0,08 to 0,085" space


the weld-on material is up 50HRc hard by micro TIG techology

(for repairs at the molding forms)

final shape by diamond tips with Dremel

Edited by 4mike
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