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Ordinary Mind = Practice Mind


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IDPA Classifier this weekend. I was going for Expert.

It didn't start out well:

First Mozambique - Missed a head. Relaxed and got the rest of the hits so I shrugged it off.

Missed two with SHO at 7 YARDS! I was thinking, okay I can still make it, no more mistakes...

Then stuff really started falling apart:

2-2-2 tac reload then move forward 5 YARDS! Stumbled, got up, stumbled, got up and finally made it 5 YARDS then did the last 2-2-2.

Luckily I kept the gun pointed in the right direction so I didn't get a DQ.

I'm laughing in disbelief at this point, looking at blood coming from my scraped up hand and leg. Not only I can't shoot I can't move 5 YARDS!

The rest of the comedy:

I decided to see it to the end. I clearly need the practice, I paid the match fee and had a kitchen pass.

I believe in practicing the way you want to perform so I tried to practice my best without bad habits or a defeated attitude.

Guess what?

Yup, got expert in SSP. Even with all my mistakes. Squeaked by 3 seconds under max time. :blush:

I strongly believe pulled if off because I was "just practicing" not trying make up mistakes. I was mentally alert and relaxed which I consider "Ordinary Mind".

For me a take-away from that day is to shoot a match like it's a practice. Competition is not the time to try anything different.

Does anyone out there try to keep the "practice" mindset during a match?

What kinds of things do you do to keep the "practice" mindset?

Thank you,


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My first thought. Since you were:

...going for Expert.

And not just shooting, hence:

IDPA Classifier this weekend. I was going for Expert.

It didn't start out well:

First Mozambique - Missed a head. Relaxed and got the rest of the hits so I shrugged it off.

Missed two with SHO at 7 YARDS! I was thinking, okay I can still make it, no more mistakes...

Then stuff really started falling apart:

2-2-2 tac reload then move forward 5 YARDS! Stumbled, got up, stumbled, got up and finally made it 5 YARDS then did the last 2-2-2.

Luckily I kept the gun pointed in the right direction so I didn't get a DQ.

I'm laughing in disbelief at this point, looking at blood coming from my scraped up hand and leg. Not only I can't shoot I can't move 5 YARDS!

The rest of the comedy:

I decided to see it to the end. I clearly need the practice, I paid the match fee and had a kitchen pass.

I believe in practicing the way you want to perform so I tried to practice my best without bad habits or a defeated attitude.

Guess what?

Yup, got expert in SSP. Even with all my mistakes. Squeaked by 3 seconds under max time. :blush:

I strongly believe pulled if off because I was "just practicing" not trying make up mistakes. I was mentally alert and relaxed which I consider "Ordinary Mind".

For me a take-away from that day is to shoot a match like it's a practice. Competition is not the time to try anything different.

Does anyone out there try to keep the "practice" mindset during a match?

What kinds of things do you do to keep the "practice" mindset?

Thank you,


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My first thought. Since you were:

...going for Expert.

And not just shooting, hence:

Sometimes I live up to the "Daves Not Here" moniker with the poor application of what's in my brain...Not that I'm saying I'm the only one that is not here.

Your most profound comment yet. It instantly calmed the ego cyclone of the whole thing.

Perhaps the smile on the wise man's face is not from witnessing the silliness of others but a reminder of similar personal experiences?

Thank you very much,


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i JUST reread that part in brian's book about "just shooting". glad you still got the outcome you desired, but imagine if you had the "just shoot" mentality the entire match. :)

Thanks, hopefully it won't take skinned knees, hand and loss of blood to learn more from Brian's book!

I set the desire aside and the outcome happened. I didn't get the outcome, it happened. However, I am not foolish and will claim the classification and accept the challenge to shoot at the appropriate level.

If they only allowed kneepads in IDPA... I can see the "tactically correct" stage description now...you're on your way back from the skatepark and...


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