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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!



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Last night I was trying do a backup of my "Favorites" Internet Explorer links. While I was doing it, I accidentally renamed each and ever folder and file to the same name, cause Windows to assign them the same name with a number afterward to indicate "copies." :blink:

I tried to "undo," but it only worked a couple of dozen times, and then I was left with ... a problem. I had to take my best guess on the names of the folders, and there was a manageable number of them. But I had way too many links outside of the folders, so their files all got renamed and I'm going to have to go through them one by one and rename them.

ARGH! :angry:

I think this was the computer equivalent of a negligent discharge. <_<

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click the link...re-add to favorites (with the correct name)...then delete the wrong named link. Still work though :(

Yeah, that sounds like the best way to undo my mischief. Thanks for the pointer!

Oohh, wait until you have 3 hard drives and you try to use format.com under DOS mode... 

Heh! Back in the days before Windows, I actually knew a bit about computers, MS-DOS, etc. Nowadays I try to avoid that prompt!

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