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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

2004 Bianchi Cup


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Vera Koo far left, Julie Goloski near left on the Falling Plate Event


Frank Glenn shooting Metallic Sight at the Barricade


Julie Goloski at the 50 yd line of the Practical Event


Doug Koenig (L) and Bruce Piatt ® dualing at the 50 yd line


David Sevigny at the Barricade (yes, it is a stock 34)


Phil Strader at the Falling Plate Event


Res Ipsa Loquitur


Jerry M. at the Plates. He also cleaned it with a 480, right next to Rob.


Bruce, Don G. and Rob


Tony Holmes at the Practical

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Flex - The Barricade range, and the Plates to a small, small degree. And at that time of day, its a bit strange. The middle position is in the shade almost the entire time, but the targets are in the light. The left postion starts in the shade, but ends in sunlight, the right is just the opposite. The plate racks are in the shade.

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