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Cutting a 24" barrel to 22"


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I have 2 barrels I am going to cut down to 22" for 3 gun shoots and side matches. One is an SX2 with invector chokes and the other is a benelli nova and I do not know what chokes that has in it.

The benelli has a 26" barrel but the SX2 has a 24". I am concerned about the SX2. If I cut the 2" off of the barrel will there still be remnants of the threads of the previous invector choke or is 2" enough to pass by the chokes? I have not yet bought the 24" barrel so I could possibly find one that is 26" but the price is right on the 24". In the future I plan to rethread the barrels to fit the chokes again but I do not know if this makes a difference for shooting now or for the gunsmith later to rethread or if he can with the existing ones partially still there!

Any suggestions or input would be appreciated.



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You will pretty much cut into the threads or past them.

Measure the length of your tube....that should pretty tell you

When you do finaly decide to re-thread, you will not be able to re-thread the barrel for the stock winchester choke tubes......the barrel is a different dia in that area and you will have to use dsomething like a 'colonial' or other type of gunsmith choke tubes.

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You may have a problem possibly....

You are rght in thinking that a Browning / Win investor choke is longer than 2', in fact they measure out at 60mm or 2 3/8 ths of an inch. I put Briely thinwalls in my Golds and the thread on them is at the muzzel end as compared to the chamber end like on the invectors, therefore you will have 1/8th of an inch of original thread still in the bbl. The good side is that the thread on invectors is very small and close, where as on the brielys they are much thicker planes and more widely spaced. I would call Briely and ask if they ever have cut down a 24' to 22' as their Cooley customs are all 22' bbls.

The other alternative is to play safe and get a 28 / 30 bbl to cut or stick with the 24'.

Hope this helps, but I would call Briley first.

Good luck

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