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Minimum Interval on the Same Classifier

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My club shoots one Open oriented and one Limited oriented match each month with classifiers in each. Some shooters do both matches, shooting in both divisions. Others do both matches, but shoot just one division (I do just Limited, for example).

I was setting up the classifier for the second match of the month and decided to use the same classifier as the first match of the month. A club member said he thought that Sedro Woolley wouldn't allow the same classifier to be submitted by the same club with the same shooters so close together, whether the shooters shot the same or different division.

Anybody know for sure? :unsure:

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I have seen the same classifier run in back to back months (same club, different MDs and lack of communication) and Sedro took both of them. Don't know if a nasty-gram was sent or not but they posted both.

My guess is that if they do have problem with this they won't really get upset unless it becomes a habit.

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I thought it was just the case that the higher of the two scores would be counted and the other would get a "D" code.

That means you can shoot any given classifier many times serially but only the best of them will actually count towards classification. So, in your scenario, people shooting both matches will effectively just get a reshoot and pick the better of the two, but it won't give them 2 classifiers.

From the USPSA website:

D This classifier was not used since the stage was shot more than once, and there is a higher percentage on file which is within the most recent eight on file at the time the classification update process was run.


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