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My boys first trip to the club


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The boys are now 9 1/2 and started to express a real interest in learning how to shoot. I've taken them to the club before, but only to watch.

We started practicing at the dining room table a month ago. They were simply learning how to make the gun safe, and get used to the controls.

Today's visit was billed as a practice on the range, only. Besides getting thier own photo cards, they were going to take the gun rug to the line and unbox it in the booth.

As luck would have it, one of the club instructors was teaching a small group on the other side of the range. The boys were fantastic. Thier gun handling wasn't perfect, but they were very aware of the muzzle direction.

Satisfied that they were doing well and having fun, I pulled out two magazines and 20 rounds. I let them fire one round only from each magazine, taking turns each shot. They need more work on grip, and frankly I'm inclined to wait a bit until thier gun arrives. My GP6 is just a bit on the edge of thier limits due to it's grip size.

I have a SAM 1911 in 9mm coming for them (Same manufacturer as the Charles Daly / Rock Island Armoury / STI Spartan).

Now I just need to get a super short trigger for it, and work up a 100 pf load.

Out of 20 rounds at 10 meters, all were A's or C's on the new IPSC target. The group was just slightly larger than my hand spread.

Onward and upward.

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Congrats! :cheers: My boy is 8 right now and me and my wife agreed that we will until he is 10 before I bring him to the range. I have 22's waiting in the safe for that day. At the moment, we're busy with scouting, martial arts and basketball for extra-curricular activities.

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MrsC and I never set a firm date. We were more concerned with safety. I took them out with me to matches to demystify the sport.

Last month, JC started a conversation with, "Dad, do you ever win prizes for shooting?"

I told him most matches are not for prizes, but there are a few that have them.

When he heard how much there is to be won at the Bianchi Cup and what corporate sponsorships can bring in, he flipped, as did his brother.

I just don't know if he's realized you need to win, instead of just attend.....

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Awesome! I have two boys as well, 5 & 2. I cannot wait until I have two new shooting buddies.

The 5 year old got a .22 cricket rifle for his birthday. We've been to the range twice - I am so proud of him. He listens and will not put his finger on the trigger until he is ready to shoot. My main focus is safety. I honestly don't care if he hits the target, just so he follows instructions and learns safe gun handling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My boys always hunted and shot with me but the youngest showed much more interest. He has recently gotten me into USPSA shooting and we get together every chance we get which for a father is never often enough. Enjoy every day that you can with your children because they grow up way too fast.

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