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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Come & listen to my story bout a boy named Bush


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I just want to say I'm glad there is the occational Bush joke here on the BE forums. Having a balance of Bush/Clinton-Hillery-Kerry-Liberal (ok, that doesn't exactly look balanced) jokes makes the humor forum here Apolitical. It makes me feel welcome, or at least like I won't be shouted down just because my signature says "Gun Toting Liberals."

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I just want to say I'm glad there is the occational Bush joke here on the BE forums. Having a balance of Bush/Clinton-Hillery-Kerry-Liberal (ok, that doesn't exactly look balanced) jokes makes the humor forum here Apolitical. It makes me feel welcome, or at least like I won't be shouted down just because my signature says "Gun Toting Liberals."

I totally agree and wouldn't want it any other way.

Personally I'm with the majority here and find Erik's and the others jokes about Bush or other Republicans distastful. The Kerry link was hilarious!!!


This is humor, and I firmly believe if we can't laugh at things than we are our of touch with them. I vote and take my stand when I think the time is right. I blare Rush Limbaugh during the day in peoples back yards while I work. ( louder if they act like they are offended!!!)

Senseless party line defense enrages me. Media miss information enrages me. Political jokes remind me that it all has to be taken with the proverbial grain of salt...

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