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Bill we will continue to disagree. The auto fill would work just fine, If it fails to find the shooter due to his not being in the data base you just keep typing and now he is entered.

No I understand, in fact, I did screen shots of what that might look like some time ago here.

As to the missing divisions, you fill in all the info, you choose his division -

So why then do you have missing divisions? :rolleyes:

- from the drop down list and enter him. Do a classification update for the match and the master and next time you look him up you do it all over again. There is a place that you can enter the division(s) a particular person shoots, why doesn't this happen all on one scree like it did early on?

It does now. You select your existing competitor from masternames and you get to select his division in the same window right then. In fact, it will not let you proceed UNTIL you select a division!

It used to be that the next time you looked up the shooter, his division was there with his class.

That's the way it is now. You select the shooter from masternames and in the same window you select his division, the class follows along if it's there from a previous match or from classification update.

How about this, we load the shooter names and numbers and classes each time we do an update, WHY CAN"T THIS BE LOADED INTO THE MASTERNAMES????? OK, I don't have your address and I don't have your phone or email, but your NAME, USPSA Number and CLassified Divisions SHOULD BE THERE!

You mean a full list of every member? Well... it would be nice, but that's a BoD decision, and I can pretty much bet you this BoD and particularly this Executive Director will never allow it.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Sorry to disagree, but a system that generates the required format should be acceptable to HQ. EzWinScore is an Albatross to development of a modern scoring system. Is it the result we are looking for? or is it the maintenance of a cumbersome manual system?

The problem is support.

What happens when an error in the transfer program prevents importing data into USPSA systems?

- Is USPSA Staff expected to debug the problem?

- Will the club pay the USPSA activity fee, but not get the services because the data could not import?

- Will USPSA file a claim against a bond posted by the vendor of the independent program for reimbursement for all classifier fees not collected because a match could not import? Ok, this is silly - but the point isn't. USPSA has a business, support and financial investment in the accuracy of data. Accepting generated third party data is asking USPSA to take a risk not under it's control.

- If a submitted scores are later found to suffer a calculation error, will the vendor of the program compensate USPSA for the time to research all classifier and results; void any that are invalid; and refund activity fees as appropriate?

Consider the following call:

Member: My scores won't import

USPSA: You are using a third party program. We do not provide any assistance with that. Please make sure every one of your competitors knows that absolutely none of the fault with your problem lies with USPSA, and make sure that nobody gets upset with HQ.

The best long-term solution would be a from-scratch re-write of a new scoring program. Any volunteers :goof:

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  • 3 weeks later...

The best long-term solution would be a from-scratch re-write of a new scoring program. Any volunteers :goof:

I volunteer!

Email (rob at boudrie dot com) if you want me to phone to discuss this with you.


Email sent.

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