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Jager Guide Rod


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I bought a Jager steel extended .270 diameter guide rod from one our BE vendors along with a Wolff 14lb spring for my G35, I installed the spring with the small end on the guide rod, and installed the assy on to the slide, you can see from the pic that the guide rod is centered in the hole


When the slide assy is reinstalled on to the frame the guide rod making contact at the 12oclock position on the slide.


The guide rod is corectly installed in the right location on the barrel, I flipped the spring around and no change, this cannot be good for accuracy, I have contacted the vendor and Jager for help, has anybody here have experience with this, or solution, thanx.

Edited by 427Cobra
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The position of my Jaeger guide rods in my G35 and in my G34 both are identical to what you are showing. The un-captured guide rod will eventually shift slightly where the head meets the grove in the lower barrel lug during the slide cycling, causing the front end of the guide rod to be positioned where you see it. It can't and won't shift any more than that. After all, the only thing holding it in place is the guide rod head and the recoil spring. I have fitted BarSto barrels in both guns and both will shoot sub-inch 5 shot groups at 25 yards with good ammo. Just keep shooting. My experience is that it has no effect on the accuracy and no effect on reliability. If it bothers you, just use a regular (G22) length captured spring guide rod that is actually held in place in the front of the slide by the screw holding the spring on the guide rod.

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