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SA to DA/SA conversion


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Have an X5 that is 4 or 5 years old(low round count) that has been collecting dust. Is there a possibility to convert it to DA/SA so I could shoot it in production (allround). How about a parts list or source to purchase the parts? Tx.

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I am no expert but I found that one could only do DA/SA to DAK or DAK to DA/SA. No way to go from SAO to anything else or the other way. Something about holes etc being different in the frame. Sig does the other conversions for like 200, so you could always call and ask, hopefully I am wrong.

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According to a short thread over on SigForum, it's possible to go from DA/SA to SAO, so I imagine it would be possible to go the other way. I don't know whether the DA/SA parts for an X-5 are different from those in a normal 226, so the part about parts coming from Germany may or may not apply. I can't find a list of parts needed for the conversion, though.

Edited by JAFO
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According to a short thread over on SigForum, it's possible to go from DA/SA to SAO, so I imagine it would be possible to go the other way. I don't know whether the DA/SA parts for an X-5 are different from those in a normal 226, so the part about parts coming from Germany may or may not apply. I can't find a list of parts needed for the conversion, though.

The safety lever is different, it's in two pieces, or so I've been led to believe.

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The frame on my All Around is drilled for the adjustment of the SAO X-Five trigger. So that led me to believe they use the same frames. No other reason for the hole.


I'd be curious to know if the X-Five L1 or X-Five Competition frames are machined for the decocking lever and bearing? My X-Five Allround frame is drilled for the thumb safeties of the L1 and Competition models.

As for the parts needed to convert from SA to DA/SA: hammer, sear (maybe), decocking lever, decocking lever bearing, safety lever, spacer that goes between the safety lever and the frame.

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