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PS Auto Drive - Speed and press conversion

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I am at the point that the 1050 is looking like a logical upgrade from my 650. I run a KISS with my 650 currently as well. I have two questions

1. Can I convert a 650 Autodrive to a 1050

2. Can I vary the speed of the 1200 rph unit. Speed would be ideal for pistol (40/9mm) but I am also looking to do a ton of 5.56. (hence the 1050 with its swagger as I get drums full of once fired brass).

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My understanding is the PW drive is model specific.

They have two different units for the Super 1050 and the RL1050.

I'm sure the motors are the same but I think the linkage and other associated parts determine which will work for which.

Not sure about adjusting speed but I'm sure the manufacturer set the speed for safety reasons.

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I thought the 650 and the 1050 were different models, but they used the same model for the Super1050 and RL 1050, but reversed some linkage. Also I seem to remember reading something about adjustable speed on the 1050. But I only have a 650, so maybe I read something in passing, or perhaps I just have cabin fever, and I'm completely off.

It's always best to get the information right from the source, so why dont you give them a call. They are really great to talk to. (208) 687-2231 :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am at the point that the 1050 is looking like a logical upgrade from my 650. I run a KISS with my 650 currently as well. I have two questions

1. Can I convert a 650 Autodrive to a 1050

2. Can I vary the speed of the 1200 rph unit. Speed would be ideal for pistol (40/9mm) but I am also looking to do a ton of 5.56. (hence the 1050 with its swagger as I get drums full of once fired brass).

Not sure if they are interchangeable or if you can vary the speed of the 1200rpm motor. What I did was I purchased variable speed motor from the same company that PW gets them from(cost me a fortune). It was a bigger motor (fortunately had the same size shaft) so I had to do some cutting and drilling to mount the thing to the PW mount. It will run from 120 rounds per hour to 2880 rounds per hour. on my machine, it seems that I run into problems going over 2200-2300 round per hour. I figure with some tinkering and the fact that I just got a casepro I could probably get it running a tad faster, but I am not sure it is necessary. it is really nice when something is not quite right I can slow it way down and check things out.

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