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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Clays powder


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Clays is different from Universal Clays. BOTH can run a variety of .45ACP loads. Just be certain that you have the right one, as they are NOT the same. No one can figure out why the same company named one product Clays and one Universal Clays. As a side note, there's also Hodgdon International Clays which is a third different powder, but you won't see near as much mention of it in pistol-shooting circles.

Uh oh, I can hear the "search police" coming for you already. :lol: (If you search the forums you will find lots of load data for each type of powder, but please sanity check anything you read on the Internet with a real published load book as well: Lyman, Speer, Lee, whatever you like.)

Edited by toddje
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