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Mover throughput


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I was reading another thread talking about Mover throughput being the obstacle to shortening the Cup by a day and/or increasing the number of shooters... The obvious answer that probably is not an option is to change the Mover Event so that it can be run more quickly.

At our (Bedford) State match last year we ran the Moving Target Match described in rule 10.19 (not the "normal" "Moving Target Event (Modified)" described in 10.24). This allowed us to run people through much more quickly and start the awards ceremony earlier in the day so that out-of-town shooters could hit the road earlier.

Does anyone know the history behind the 24 shot Mover in 10.19 and why the "normal" one is called the "Modified" mover?

The Texas Mover is not in the rule book (but I would love to see it added) would also be a great alternative. It exercises a skill that the current Bianchi Cup does not test (reloading). You could easily have a 3 minute time limit for each shooter. That would give 2 minutes for the shooter to move between stations and do a dance or ritual or whatever he needs to do. This would let you realistically run about 100 shooters a day on each mover which would give a throughput of 200 shooters a day for the current range.

I have also heard that the Barricades are a bottleneck... That could easily be solved with a little dozer work and a work party to add a lane or two to the barricade range. I would hate to see the ticks on that hillside have to move though.

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Oh boy, why did you have to go there??

There has been alot of talk over the last 3 years about altering the 4 matches shot, and at the end of the day, the shooters voiced strongly that they supported the exisiting matches.

In the past they have run the upper mover as well for the lower grades and therefore the through put is much greater. Realistically you are looking at about 60 competitors per day per mover, and with 200 competitors, 2 days is all you need.

The problem with Bianchi is the super thin string they use on the corroded pullies that are not maintained, and the constant breakdowns. This will get me in trouble, but that is the truth of the matter.

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While I have never been of the opinion that the Barricade event was a big time consumer, the "problem" has been fixed. They added a 4th row of Barricades in Columbia. Looks like the ticks will be twice as thick up on the hill.

Trying to plan for 200 or 240 competitors is a little short sighted. The numbers that we need to look at is 300+. There are rumblings or ramblings of a 3rd Mover going in.

As far as the string goes. We use what we call "Gator Twine". If you have ever seen the show "Swamp People", you have seen it. It's the same stuff they catch 800 to 1000 pound Aligators on. Tensile strength is like 700lbs for a string about the diameter of a boot lace.

Edited by Action Pistolero
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Bianchi is a compromise / combination of speed accuracy and stress. Putting equal emphasis on all. Just adding in speed events to increase through put is daft. ANd I am being nice Kevin. Insert Homer voice "Need bourbon" :devil:

Mover is the only match that governs the amount of shooters to be put through. Don't dick with the mover. 48rounds is what makes it hard, 24rounds and you will see a lot more clean targets, way less stress. The reductioon in time will not significantly increase the through put. Most of the time on mover (in fact most matches) is taken up with prep, changing targets and just switching out between shooters who honestly generally piss about too much.

With two movers it is 6 per hour x 2 = 12 (subject to failure of equipment). It takes 10minutes to run mover if all the shooters use their aloted 7 1/2 minutes plus changing targets and fluffing about. I know they allow 12minutes as that is prudent to ensure some margin for staffing and keeping the competitor and staff from being rushed. I know some clubs get 8 through but they are likely to get bitched at by some uptight git who will complain if a fly lands on his hat at some stage, harder to please people at a big match as they are mopre likely stressed.

Barricades should get through in 12minutes, 2 minutes of prep, 52seconds of shooting, 30seconds between relays, 2 minutes to change targets twice. With three shooters thats 15 shooters per hour and the equipment is unlikely to break down.

OK if we suddenly get more shooters, BTW a really good thing, then they may have to go to 4 days or extend the hours, which is likely to seriously stress staff, long days = cockups. With the practice match in the old days (3 years ago) we had four days of shooting anyway. So no real problem. Add in an extra day, run two reliable movers, and 8 hours of shooting, I think you will get 320 slots. If you run it 7 hours then you will have 280 slots.

I know they manage more shooters per day than that if pushed, but again I don;t want to be the shooter that is on the recieving end of a bad decision by a range staffer and bite my arse.

BUT, the more shooters we have the more sponsors are likely to throw their wallet into the ring. Better for them better for us.

CAn't see an easy solution, but that won't stop me thinking up dumb ideas myself.

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Agreed to some degree. If more shooters come we need more space and time. Not just one of them. There are side matches going on, whilst 4 matches make up the Championship, the whole event is more than the 4 matchs.

AFter my first event I was busting to get back. It took just one.

I do however feel, that some of the foreigners put more effort and emphasis onthe Bianchi Cup than some of the locals.

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Bianchi is a compromise / combination of speed accuracy and stress. Putting equal emphasis on all. Just adding in speed events to increase through put is daft. ANd I am being nice Kevin. Insert Homer voice "Need bourbon" :devil:


Not once, and I repeat, NOT ONCE did I say anything about changing any of the events. The OP mentioned about running more through the Mover and the rumor is that they are going to add a third. Problem solved. There was a perceived slow down on the Barricade and that too has been dealt with.

Allan mentioned the chicken shit string and there is a solution for that.

So, I suggest you find a nice tall tree to sit under and cool your arse down with a sudzy one. May is just around the corner so we can debate the rest of it then and tell some lies over adult beverages.:cheers:

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I was just throwing ideas out there that I knew probably wouldn't stick but hoped they would get others thinking about the problems.... But if they are adding a 3rd mover, and have already added a lane to the barricades, it sounds like there is no issue.


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I was just throwing ideas out there that I knew probably wouldn't stick but hoped they would get others thinking about the problems.... But if they are adding a 3rd mover, and have already added a lane to the barricades, it sounds like there is no issue.


Sure, now you back off!!!! That's okay, I've got your back. I can hack it. See ya Sunday.

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Do we have have a emoticon holding a big spoon and bucket full of brown stuff!

I just love being 8000miles away fom the fan when I throw stuff.

Anyways that Gator twine is wonderful shit, I have seen what you mean.

And yes there is a cure or two, rails are a wonderful thing. BIG pulleys made of AluminIum is neat too.


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