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incompetent or just  slow


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We sent in our registration and check for the Nationals July 1.  The checks cleared July 11.  It is now August 1st and they still can't tell us who is shooting when.  Most clubs can handle this in a day or so with an email confirmation and some even post on their websites.  Our national organization can't do either in over a month.  It realy makes you wonder where all the money goes.

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Figure the first 400 are processed!

there are probably close to double or triple that comming in!

There are 2 people there!

In addition they have to field questions - some, really stupid ones!  And handle normal day to day running of the Org.

Yea He came from here - there are Scum Bags in every state.  Remember SOME of use TRIED to warn the rest of you but no one listened ... well the majority didnt listen anyway!

Larry P

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OK, let's assume the recieved 1000+ applications.  They only accept the first 350 - 400.  They already have our names and addresses in a database.  They verify that we shot 2 matches this year and look us up in the database.  If everything is ok, they put together a list.  If they do this on a PC rather than on paper. they should be able to get an export file for they webdesigner to put on the website in two weeks.  My check had cleared in two weeks, so they must have had everything done by then.  No how long does it take to send out or post those results.  

4 weeks by IDPA standards.  For local clubs, this takes a few minutes.

Also they wouldn't have to spend so much time on the phone answering stupid questions if they could figure out how to put together a rule book.  Giving multiple answers for a single question in different places in the rule book is their own doing.  Just look at the SO training.  They require you so watch thei video that doesn't follow the rules listed in their own rules book.


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Scandog... you want too much :)

Have you ever put on a major match?  Tis not an easy thing to accomplish.

I know nothing about IDPA - but in USPSA Matches - you can't put together a schedule until you know how many shooters are attending.  I paid for my Nationals slots in April and I can assure you that it is no big deal that I won't know who/when I'm shooting with until I get there and register on August 24th!

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I put on a shoot every month.  60 - 100 shooters.  Not all of the register ahead of time.  I lay out the stages, enter all the scores and email them to all the shooters.  A friend is in charge of posting them on the web.  

It takes about a day to select and lay out the stages.  A couple hours to enter the scores and log the addresses of the new shooters and send out an email to all of them.  

The IDPA already has us listed in their database.  I just received my new membership card.  I know they know my address.  Why is it so hard to send me something stating the Date I am shooting.  

I guess it is just a little too much to ask!

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For all intents and purposes the day to day ops of IDPA is Dru.  IDPA is very small in comparison to IPSC, mostly a volunteer army.  

Let me ask you.  When you run your monthly match do you deal with the booking of travel and rooms for BOD members, logistics for feeding 300 shooters plus SO's?  Housing and clothing orders for SO's and shooters?  Do your organize squads and their start times over 3 days?  There's a hell of a lot more that goes into running a national match than any of our measley 6 or 8 stage monthly or state matches.

Lighten up bro!  Be happy if you even make it.  5 times those that try don't.


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I recieved my confirmation today that I made it in.  

I understand there is one person handeling day to day operations, but when you are putting on a national match, you can get a little help.  My check was cashed over a month ago.  I am sure they had a list of those who made it as they were cashing our checks.  They could have let us know much sooner.  

I am not attacking Dru, don't get the wrong idea.  I just think as a whole, they leave a bit to be desired in how they handled this.

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