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Yea, they tried to give TGO a penalty for cover on the ambulance stage (second string) at the barrels shooting at the two laundry targets.  Larry is right.  They couldn't yell fast enough and he squeezed one off as the SO yelled CO...by then it was too late and they nailed him for it.  I don't know if it stuck but they gave it to him at the time.  He was most displeased. :(

Bill Wilson said that it is a courtesy that they yell cover but from what the earlier posts showed in the rule book 33/19 they should have to tell you.  I don't know if it's really clear but luckily it didn't hurt TGO in the standings.

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doesn't it say something to the effect

"if you are handing out too many pe's than it's bad stage design"

in the rule book?

TGO go the other PE at the moving target stage. I was told he stopped while backing up.

it just seems like there were alot of them being handed out.


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just one guy's opinion here, but I am hearing a lot of dance steps again.  Read for theme or patterns and you'll find; poor to mediocre course design, subjective rules, reluctance to update the rules, and range Nazis punishing the "non good old boys" at fault in about 95% of the cases.

The guy above had it right, too many proceedurals means poorly thought out course.

Duane made a good point (perhaps without meaning to?) "...so effectively there's no way the SO can ding you - because he shouldn't."  BECAUSE HE SHOULDN'T?!?! I have to depend on the good graces of an RO as to whether or not I am allowed to go fast on a stage?

Just a random conspiracy theory moment here, but how many preceedurals did IDPA super duper heroes like Sevigny and Langdon get?  Hmmm, interesting, yes, provacative even....

I had the same expereince (at my humble level) at our local IDPA match.

I had left to shoot USPSA matches.  I had a PERSONAL falling out with some of the IDPA shooters in our area.  I had learned a lot, and wanted to go back and shoot my carry gun from my carry holster, something hardly done in USPSA or IDPA really.  I was a marked man from the time I got out of the car.

Anyway squadded with the local studs (you know the type, "match only" G34, kydex rig never seen the street, and fishing vest that covers, well, some of the gun) , I watch as the top dog runs a little 12 rounder in a shade over twelve seconds.

I saw a little opening for efficiency, and ran it in 10.5.  Aww hell, I beat one of the boys, and since I had "gone to the dark side" my good ole' boy card was EXPIRED in a big way.  The style judges came out in force, they didn't like it one bit.

Next stage, a popper failed to fall.  Now I shot it like BENOS says, with my eyes, (OK, I'm mortal, and ears) but I got a solid hit, with (then) 180pf 230 ball.  I never saw it still standing, and finished an otherwise solid run.

They score it as a miss and a failure to neutralize (why not pile it on, we don't like him anyway), and I asked for it to be calibrated, seeing my "ding" about 10:00 in the larger circle.

"Aww, Don't try that, we don't play that crap IPSC boy...." was the response.  But as their hero was up next they spent a lot of time "resetting things" making sure it was working properly.  

Yup, that's a level playing field where the best man with the real gun, and full charge ammo will win.

But you know what? Against all the revved up Glock 34's with fishing vests and cut down kydex rigs, I still won the Sunshine State games with my real .40S&W carry gun, out of my real CCW rig (IWB under an untucked glf shirt).  Sorry guys.  Get more East German judges on the pannel next year.

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Since I dont know you I am going to preface this (nothing intended or implied here)

Assuming everything you said is true!

I think I would not shoot with them again...

you still have IPSC.  Find an IDPA club that isnt so biased

Langdon got one from me!  I still feel bad about it but he was a man about it. my guys missed me call it and didnt write it down.  He took it anyway.  That Guys is a sportsman and he will have my respect forever for that!

he could have said NOPE score sheet was already signed.

Sevigney, he got away with a big one on my stage.  My fault too but all I can say is "I" screwed up.

but  I know now!

Rob Got 2 IIRC!

Some are bad CoF design others are just the shooter screwing up and trying to go faster than  they are capable of or having a brain fart!  

If a guy calls you becasue you screwed up, take it and move on dont have hard feelings against him for doing what he is supposed to do!

And if its bad CoF design you should be able to see that rather quickly and avoid the pitfalls so in the end its still the shooter that earns the PE. The official just gives them what they earned!

Of course there are Aholes in anything!

above all NEVER EVER be an ASS to an official you cant win that way and all you do is make people remember you in a BAD way!

Larry P

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I agree; I have been an RO, an SO a match director and a club president.  My post was not meant to come down on our volunteers.

I try to take my penalties like a man, I just like them evenly awarded.

As I stated several times, IDPA is a great idea, and I still shoot it.  But as you said..... I need a different club to shoot it at.:(

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