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I'd like to run over...


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Tonight, my wife and I were at a local pizza establishment having dinner. Also dining was a rather large group of parents (and I use that term very loosely) with their kids ages 2-7. As is typical of many such situations these days, the kids were being unruly; running about, yelling and otherwise creating general havoc in the resturant. Needless to say, my wife and I found this quite irritating, especially since at least one of the parents told the kids on at least three seperate occasions to behave and allow others (folks like me) to enjoy their meals. What really got my goat is that the kids were told three times, which is really an indictment of the parents, and to a lesser degree the kids.

Anyway, my wife and I finish our meal, pack up and leave. On our way out still dodging wreckless kids and irresponsible "parents" (have I mentioned I'm using that term loosely?). On our short stroll to our car, I mention to my wife:

"Hun, I'd like to run over to the market."

her reply

"Hun, I'd like to run over a few small children."

made me laugh :D

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Funny ! I can relate to that !


I don't want to boast, but my wife and I are very proud that we always get complimented about the behaviour of our kids (almost 4 and almost 1 y/o). We can take them anywhere we want without having to be afraid of anything. They eat anything. They know when to behave. They listen when spoken to. And so on. But for sure they also know "to party", that's what they are kids for ! But my wife and I only have to tell a kid of ours 1 time to do or don't do something.

I know, it's relatively easy for us, because my wife quit her job to be able to take care of the kids fulltime, but still. It's ALWAYS a matter of properly raising your kid right from the start. BTW: I would have quit my job in the blink of an eye, but alas I'm earning twice the money she got, so the rational choice was that she would quit her job. We see enough parents who want to have it all: AND both a job, AND kids, AND a busy social life, AND a big house, AND a big car, AND two or three vacations a year, AND so on. No wonder their kids are stressed and confused and as a result have problems listening. Life is all about making choices. Due to the choices we have made we cannot afford anything anymore, but I have two great kids (soon 3 ;) ) of which I am very proud !!


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Dave, a lot of folks share your wife's view.

We have only one kid. She's ten right now, a well comported young lady who usually displays excellent social graces. (OK she did beat up that boy on the school yard, but he did hit her first.)

We had to make some tough choices. We took our chances and spanked her in public whenever she acted up. People can still do that around here without a great deal of fear over being turned over to the Gestapo, but it is a calculated risk.

Anytime I see some parent administering a well deserved whack on the rear in public I always give 'em a wink and a "thumbs up". Future adults deserve to be taken seriously. Kids should be valued, appreciated, and disciplined, just like adults. Then they don't end up being annoying...... just like some adults.

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If you love your children, you will discipline your children. Your family will grow closer because of it and society will benefit from another well-raised citizen.



OBTW, I have wanted to bust a few children (and parents) in public places, but common sense prevailed and I stayed out of jail!!!!!


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it's relatively easy for us, because my wife quit her job to be able to take care of the kids fulltime, but still. It's ALWAYS a matter of properly raising your kid right from the start.

Arvid, I think it's great that the two of you still raise your kids "the old fashioned way" (a lotta love and attention). My mom quit her job too 25 years ago, to take care of me and my little brother full time, and all I can say is that it does make a difference. You will not be sorry.

I feel sorry for the kids living next door to me. They seem to be a burden to their parents. They drop them off first thing in the morning and the little ones get picked up very late at night :(

That can't be good. Their mom told me they sometimes call the lady at the daycare centre "mommy" (she laughed when she told me :()

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