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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!



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2 weeks ago, my wife was attacked by some wasps who had built a nest under the back porch. Got about 4 stings. I crawled under the porch and sprayed the nest and that was that. (The fact that I had been putting it off for about a month notwithstanding)

It seems they are not easily deterred.

After a relatively busy day, and a hectic dinner with my wife, 7 and 9 year old daughters, and 1 new Yorkie/Maltese puppy tormenting our "good" dog, we were looking forward to sitting out back by the pool and relaxing. So we hypnotized the girls with the TV (Disney channel) and wandered outside.

As I got 2 glasses of wine we went to sit down on the wooden lounge chairs by the pool, wondering how long it would take for the other house occupants to find us, I looked at the side of my chair, even with my ankles and saw about 8 wasps. I started making a witty comment about it but before I could begin, the attack began. Both ankles and my back, I threw wine all over my wife ("Hey!") and ran into the driveway with a million stinging insects all over me. At least 10 stings, both ankles, and back (lower back.. upper thigh region... :blush:).

Having lost the battle but unwilling to concede the geography, I went back with the wasp spray -- One plug here: Thumbs up for the EcoSmart Organic Wasp and Hornet Killer -- safe for Children and Pets: GREAT STUFF!

After the 8-10 wasps had regrouped (I don't even think I ever killed the ones stinging me - just drove them back) I sprayed them on the chair. Dead.

On a not-so-intuitive hunch, I figured out the reason for the seemingly unprovoked attack. I lifted the chair and looked underneath.


Total body count - 25 wasps. They must have relocated from the porch. The stings are fading now - and I've learned to move faster when I see a bunch of wasps in a group. Next time I won't be so careless. They built the nest over 2 days (Monday one of my daughter's friends was in that same chair). All I could think of was thank God it was me and not the kids or the dogs or even my wife again.

This means war. :angry:

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Oh man I feel your pain. I had a bunch of bald faced wasps chasing/stinging me once. I was running around the outside of my house screaming... it was like the cartoons. I could see them chasing me! I realized they were on my shirt and were constantly biting me so I took off my shirts and rolled all over my lawn getting them off. It's funny now but it sure the hell wasn't then! They are nasty!!

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