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Powder measure


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I recently changed to WST and find my powder measure doesn't process it very well. Charge weight is OK but I find it gets into the works and causes drag on the drum. Time to upgrade it. Putting "powder measure" in search didn't turn up anything useful. What do you like / dislike about your current measure?


The bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.” -John Ruskin

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I really like my Dillon powder measure. I have used them on all Dillon presses and currently use them exclusively with a RL1050 for .40 using WST. That is a great powder and meters well as the mechanism seems like the contact surfaces are much less critical than in a rotary measure. I have used some awfully long powders in my RCBS and didn't have any real problems. Even 800-X, which is really crunchy, doesn't foul up the works - it is more like graphite film and lubricates the rotating barrel.

All rambling aside, unless you are shooting where accuracy is the most important factor, the Dillon should serve you well. The deviation with ever charge I have tried is within the accuracy range of the scale I was using to check it.


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