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Too far, Too fast...


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Had myself my worst run ever this week. Local match, first fixed time course I've done. Two strings, first string was one array with two stacked targets, 6 shots on first target (above and behind the second one), with a mandatory reload, and change to a kneeling position, from ~25 yards. Par time was 8 seconds. Second string was from significantly closer, ~5-10 yards, with three targets hiding behind a no-shoot. Two shots per, mandatory reload, two shots per. Same par time.

After seeing almost half of the people before me racking up overtime shot penalties, I felt pressured to try and get the correct number of shots before time.

In the first string, I hit one target, once... Shook me enough that I didn't hit a single target on the second string.

I managed to find a balance in time for the second course, and managed to shoot an almost clean run on the fieldcourse we did (one mike). Despite the recovery in time for the second course, I'm still feeling like I let myself get way to wired up for that course, and I paid the price for it!

Despite that though.... I still got 5%....

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hey...any hitfactor is a 'good' thing...seems a lot of people get zero'd in on the time aspect of a par time course and not just going out there and doing what you can do...yrs ago the glock matches(GSSF) had a course that was a par time course 10 rds on 5 targets in 10 seconds...and there were people who had never shot a competition in their lives that thought that shooting 10 shots in 10 seconds was virtually impossible, when in reality, we are talking 10ths and even 100ths of seconds, not full seconds

yrs ago in Oregon they had a COF that was 8 shots on 4 targets with a pretty wide swing between em with a par time of 2 seconds....yeah A LOT of people focused on the time, and not whatthey actually had to do...btw....it was doable

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A proper fixed time course of fire is set so that nobody will get a perfect score.

Never go in thinking that you have to get all your shots off.

Your goal is to walk away from the stage with as many points as you can. Emphasis on you.

That usually means shooting less than the full number of shots, but making sure the shots you take are A's.

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I wasn't there - but I understand it wasn't easy in the least. The A open guys didn't get all of their shots off. The big thing you learned from that performance is what I posted earlier - rushing - ANYTHING in this sport will significantly ruin your score. Take it for what it was - an awesome learning experience in relaxation and patience.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had myself my worst run ever this week. Local match, first fixed time course I've done. Two strings, first string was one array with two stacked targets, 6 shots on first target (above and behind the second one), with a mandatory reload, and change to a kneeling position, from ~25 yards. Par time was 8 seconds. Second string was from significantly closer, ~5-10 yards, with three targets hiding behind a no-shoot. Two shots per, mandatory reload, two shots per. Same par time.

After seeing almost half of the people before me racking up overtime shot penalties, I felt pressured to try and get the correct number of shots before time.

In the first string, I hit one target, once... Shook me enough that I didn't hit a single target on the second string.

I managed to find a balance in time for the second course, and managed to shoot an almost clean run on the fieldcourse we did (one mike). Despite the recovery in time for the second course, I'm still feeling like I let myself get way to wired up for that course, and I paid the price for it!

Despite that though.... I still got 5%....

Skydiver said it right.....

You don't get penalities for misses. If a course of fire require 12 shots and you only get 10 shots off you get the points for those 10 shots as long as you hit the target. Shoot A's


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These are set up so a good Master is pushed to get them all in so unless you are a good M adjust accordingly. If you are say a C then you might draw and shoot three A's and stop. You can win Area stages and classes with that stragedy. Your comp's ego makes them "try to get em all off" with the resulting sub part stage points.

This works with tricky movers too.

I guess Josey Wales said it best, Man's got to know his limitations,

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These are set up so a good Master is pushed to get them all in so unless you are a good M adjust accordingly. If you are say a C then you might draw and shoot three A's and stop. You can win Area stages and classes with that stragedy. Your comp's ego makes them "try to get em all off" with the resulting sub part stage points.

This works with tricky movers too.

I guess Josey Wales said it best, Man's got to know his limitations,

No way did Josey say that. He said he has no limitations..... :ph34r: None of the Rayners would ever ease up just because of a few penalities :roflol:


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