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About xd9shtr

  • Birthday 01/24/1958

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Oklahoma City
  • Interests
    Shooting and I am restoring a vintage Karmann Ghia. I am also interested in the legal ramifications of conceal carry and self defense. (I work for a gun range and my husband is in law enforcement, so I guess it comes natural.)
  • Real Name
    Patti Clark

xd9shtr's Achievements

Looks for Range

Looks for Range (1/11)

  1. tee hee hee -- that's a good one -- the guys at the gun shop are teasing me unmercifully about going "over to the Glock side". I really miss my XD though so who knows -- you know how fickle us girls can be! lol
  2. Yeoww! Didn't mean to offend anyone. And again, if S/A will do right by me and my gun then I don't have a problem recommending them to anyone. I have gotten a lot less service from a lot larger manufacturers on much more expensive products that my little XD. (Having worked in the legal field all of my adult life, I really didn't want or need them to admit liability or fault -- just to fix the problem.) You guys gave me the information I needed to facilitate a result. I am all about the end result -- and this forum has been extremely informative and helpful -- and for that I thank you all. (And hope I may be able to return the favor sometime!!)
  3. Oh, I know but my XD was only three months old. I haven't figured up how many rounds have gone through it but I shoot 4 to 6 times a week and typically run 200-300 rounds in a session, so it is not that much. My husband has several Glocks that have seen heaven knows how many rounds through them that function fine. In fact after I sent my XD back to S/A I bought a Glock 17 to use in the interim. Now I am not sure which one I will shoot when the XD comes back.
  4. Thanks for all the info guys. I spoke with the S/A rep at H&H Range's open house last night and of course he denied any knowledge of a wide spread problem with the extractor or the rust issues. However, he did e-mail the S/A president and ask that he have some person at S/A personally check on my gun. I am sure having connections did not hurt me in the customer service area. If they do right by me I will continue to recommend their gun, especially for first time shooters with small hands, but I will also make sure that they know about the problems I had also. I wish I could say that I am comfortable taking my guns apart, but I have found it is more fun to shoot than clean and repair, so my darling husband handles those areas of gunning for me!!! (Thanks, babe)
  5. Also, even if you don't have all the equipment you need for a 3-gun match, take what you have and go anyway -- at the first 3-gun I attended everyone was more than willing to let me try out different shotguns (mine was a pump and the recoil is deadly) to shoot. Be prepared to become addicted however !! Unfortunately, you can't shoot just one!!
  6. I shot my FIRST match this year -- my husband has been shooting for years, but I never went to a match with him until this year. Why in the world did I ever think shooting was "boring" -- I am SOOOOOOOOO hooked!!!!
  7. Nope -- it is too late, she's got it bad -- thank goodness it isn't terminal, just a chronic condition that you will have to manage as best you can!!! Congrats on your second match -- I have shot at 4 now -- and although I am still far behind the pack, my percentages improve a bit each time. And even if I don't shoot worth you-know-what, I still enjoy the company. A fine bunch of people!!
  8. Soooooo, will she start shooting matches (I could certainly use the company!!) The more girls the merrier, ya know!!
  9. Good for her!! My husband had the same "problem" until I found an XD9. Now I meet him at the door with gun bags and ammo in hand!! However, he has decided that this could be a double edged sword -- He traded one of his guns for an HK USP .40 and after I shot it I "took" it away from him!! It is now my new competition gun!! haha
  10. Good Lord -- don't wait any longer before you shoot a match -- you have no idea what you are missing !!!!! The first match you shoot at you will want to WALK through the stages anyway. I went just to watch the first time I saw an IPSC match and was sorry I didn't bring my gun and entry fee with me. I spent the whole day kicking myself. I am new to the sport, but try to find a match in Oklahoma or Texas every weekend to go to. Either pistol or 3-gun. Anyway, this is the best forum I have found yet for info and advice and encouragement. Hope to see you at a match soon!!
  11. Hope your shoot went well!! I shot my third match Saturday and my only complaint is there is not a match here every other day or so!! One other thing I found I was doing and not realizing it was tilting my hips forward instead of leaning into the stance. Once I forced myself to lean forward (I swear I look like the hunchback of ND!!) my shots became considerably more consistent and my groups are quite a bit tighter.
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