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Posts posted by pmt

  1. A modification I made to my casefeeder on my 550: I drilled a 1/8" hole in the rear right corner of the casefeed plunger. The thin portion (plate) If you pull the plunger back toward you, you see that it will extend out the back of the casefeed body. I drilled the hole in the approximate center of the portion that sticks out the back. I made a little bent wire pin that fits the hole. If I need to cycle the machine without dropping or feeding cases (or emptying the feed tube) I just insert the pin. It keeps the spring from pushing the feeder plunger forward.

  2. PS When asking if a gun is IPSC production legal it is not a good idea to specify the CZC model name.(or CZC at all).

    Simply specify the parts used and work performed.

    Counseling someone on how to circumvent the rules?........As your fellow countryman would say "No cookie for you"

  3. I dug into this a little more. The issues appear to be the mainspring and slide polishing that is done. Is anybody at IPSC Nationals in the US going to care?

    Let your conscience be your guide.

  4. I see how the most common answer is "go talk to the MD", which is all cute, fine and dandy but it is not always possible. It's always possible if there is a safety issue

    You basically can't run to the MD to snitch about someone being mean because he does not want to give the timer to someone who knows what he's doing. It is always an option to talk to the MD about safety issues. If someone doesn't know what they're doing....help them.

    Some clubs squad, others don't. In the latter case, it can be a total mess. If you're referring to the monthly open squad L1's at RSSC, I think they work quite well and are not a total mess.

    In this case, when a new RO is needed to run the stage, a quick visual clue would definitely be very helpful.

    "Sorry, you do not seem to know what you are doing and I'm going to rip off that timer from your hand" does not always work when the idiot is a muscled up cop who thinks he's directing traffic and, for some reason, you do not feel like pissing off a cop. If someone is new on the clock you should try to help them, not rip it from their hands. Do you have a problem with cops?

    The Unplanned Targets video was a serious wake up call. It seems to have happened at a Level 2 or 3 match. It is even more likely to happen at a Level 1 match. Whatever can be done to prevent this from happening at any level should be done.

    Sounds like you had a bad day at the match, people weren't performing RO duties to your standards and you're here venting.

  5. Little background on the Dillon Primer Track Bearing Plate, I am the manufacture of the Dillon Primer Track Bearing Plate,

    I bought the plate/brg kit last week. Ordered it on the 1st and had it in my hands on the 3rd. Fit & finish are awesome. I 've loaded 1000rds since the install & it is smooth as silk. I don't have an E-Bay account & couldn't find a way to leave positive feedback, so consider this post as Positive. A+

  6. From the IPSC Prod Gun List

    NOT APPROVED: CZ Custom Shop models (e.g. SP-01 Shadow Target, CZ 75 Shadow T, CZ 75 SP01 ACCU Shadow etc.), and Frankonia models (e.g. Mamba, Viper etc.).

    I believe all the internal mods make it a no-go. I could be wrong.

  7. I really hate that my work computer will no longer allow me to copy pastes quotes or link quotes.

    But playing devils advocate, Brian I do believe that participation is driven into a division by Prize tables. And I'm not talking to the top pack 5%-10% shooters, they'll be fine, what I'm talking about is that 11%-35% croud. what I call the "prize table chaser group" Just good enough to get a good placement and get a decent item off the table. (glass or firearms). When you put +40 guns on one division table, but then only put 2 on other tables, and you have the prior knowledge of this happening what would you shoot? I like using myself as a example, took 2nd at FB3G last year, next to James. I believe we had only 14ish shooter in the division, FB3G is a HARD match to shoot limited in so I can understand the participation. This year? I'll be shooting Tac-ops. I'm not saying I'll be in the top 10, 20 or hell in the the top 30. And not saying I'm a prize table chaser, but how I look at is for the best return in investment when I've already shelled out a Grand of money to shoot this match, So I will shoot a division I don't really want to shoot because of it.

    Aren't prizes allocated to tables based on the number of shooters in each division? Nobody should have prior knowledge, as it wouldn't be know until well after registration is closed.

    I believe that participation is driven by the rules for the typical competitor ( the club shooter). TacOp divisions draw the most because of ....well...OPTICS. Us old farts can't see targets past 100 or 200yds without magnification. Heavy Metal requires larger more expensive calibers and pumping your shotgun, and Open is perceived as a more expensive division to most people. Limited probably draws more of the 'prize chaser' group as the equipment is basic and the 'no optics=less people' theory. All of this BS is just my opinion.

  8. Anyone have comments on the shellplate bearing kits?

    Pretty pointless on a 550, unlike the SD, 650 and 1050 (where the case sits "in" the shell plate) the case rides "under" the shell plate on the 550. All it does is pull it out of the dies, not a lot of point in reducing "wobble".

    Your fingers control the speed of the index.

    Its not so much the wobble as the "pop" when the detent ball seats in the shell plate. Its just enough to where it tosses a little powder out of the full case. I can rotate is slowly but sometimes that does not eliminate powder spillage. Eliminating that "pop" was what I hoped would result from the kit.

    Also, I contacted Inline about two different length Ergo levers for the Dillon 550. Turns out years ago they offer them with two different offsets. Based on customer reviews, they came up with one that everyone likes and that is the only one offered. Pretty fast response from a company on a Saturday.


    To reduce the 'pop' when the ball seats in the shell plate I clipped one coil off the spring under the ball.

  9. I would like to see things like no drums, no Surefires 50 & 100 round mags in Tac-Optic. They skew the field. 30 round mags in rifle, 140MM mags in HG (170 for SS) in Tac-Optic and Tac-Iron.

    Leave my mags alone! Occasionally I'll use a PMAG40 or a PMAG30 with Nordic +18 or a Surefire 60. They don't skew the field - mags are cheap. Stop thinking like someone that lives in a nanny state.

  10. ok, I guess I don't get the whole 'open squadding' thing no matter how it's defined .... at every local match I've been to here in Florida when you show up to register there is a paper squad list, which, after paying your fees you simply sign up on a squad that has spaces open and that's your squad for the day ... simple. not sure I see what open squadding buys you ....

    Our Tues Nite Steel matches start at 2:30pm & end at 7:pm. The retired folk get there early and the poor working stiffs don't show up until 5pm. Same thing with the USPSA L1's - start time is 7am, registration cut-off is 8:30. No set squads means that a dozen guys don't have to wait around for the entire squad ahead of them to finish a stage - it's a continuous line of shooters.

    The steel match uses paper score cards. The L1's use Practiscore with a paper name tag you carry from bay to bay to secure your spot in the shooting order.

  11. If it's open squadding, there is no squad A/B etc.

    Russell92 - what you are describing IS open squadding.

    All the monthly L1's and Tues Nite Steel at Rio Salado are shot this way. You show up & register, go shoot the stages in any order. When you get to the stage your scorecard goes on the bottom. Typically guys on the bottom will take the clipboard & timer. When you move up to 'deep hole' you pass them off to the bottom of the list. Clipboard will call out shooter/on deck/in the hole/2 or 3 brassers/2 or 3 for taping & steel. After you shoot you grab your scorecard/brass/rangebag & head to the next stage. Usually a few people will shoot together - when their group has finished a stage they will move together to the next stage and put their 3 or 4 cards on the bottom of the stack.

    The timers/clipboards stay on each stage - they are the property of the group running the match.

  12. I am also very left handed. Tell your friend to get the SP01 Shadow and reverse the mag release. The slide stop is not needed for USPSA shooting. Should your friend mistakenly shoot to slide lock - just slam that full mag in - the slide will drop.

  13. This is my first post here. I've just finished reloading my first 1000 9mmL and 1000 223R on my new 550B and I have a couple of comments/questions about your recommendations.

    I mounted this press on a heavy and stable bench. I haven't noted any flexing during any of the operations so it is very "stable." After the initial setting up and adjusting of the dies I'm using I am getting consistent results of powders dispensed and COALs. I think for this bench adding the strong mount would change my ability to look down into the case at station #2. Is there any other reason for the strong mount?

    Your bullet tray suggestion a must. I added an extension to the ejected case bracket to add another bin so prepped cases were in a convenient location for picking up and placement into station #1. See attached photo. When previewing this attachment I see it's a thumbnail so I don't know if the bracket extension clearly shows the case pickup bin.

    I'm thinking about your roller handle suggestion. How is the Inline Fabrications better than the Dillon's? Are there other choices?

    Being an old and ornery my eyes do require better lighting. I wasn't aware of the UniqueTek's light so I just ordered the Inline Fabrications unit. I hope this choice was a good one.

    I like the strong mount because I use a bar stool height chair while loading.... or occasionally stand to load.

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